The Homecoming Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 57499 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 287(@200wpm)___ 230(@250wpm)___ 192(@300wpm)

"You doing okay there Princess?"

"Sure, I'm fine but I've been thinking, there're just too many coincidences for my liking."


"No, no, hear me out, I can help you know, behind the scenes."

"I don't want you anywhere near this shit."

"But it's what I do and I'm pretty good at it."

We'd reached my jeep by then and I opened the door, picked her up, and sat her in the passenger seat, which made her laugh uproariously.

"What're you doing you crazy man?" Her fingers played in my hair.

"Taking care of my woman." I buckled her in, stole a quick kiss and walked around to my side.

She had that light in her eye that I remembered only too well. It’s the look that had gained her-her reputation. She was on the scent of this thing now and her professional juices were probably flowing.

As much as I didn't want her involved, I had a gnawing fear that she wouldn't be able to help herself. That she would somehow find a way to go behind my back and do it on her own.

"If I let you do this, you have to promise me that you won't go off on your own, anything you find you share with me and vice versa.

You don't go anywhere on your own to investigate anything. Whoever did this didn't think twice about offing a federal agent, they wouldn't even blink at killing you. Promise."

"Promise, no going off on my own." She rubbed her hands together in glee.

"You really like this stuff don't you?"

"I live for this stuff, it's kind of exciting, like peeling back the layers of a mystery and under each layer is a clue and eventually, you put them all together and voila, you've solved your mystery."

She looked adorably cute with that light in her eyes and even though I was already dreading what was to come, I couldn’t help but smile at her.

That first night she’d been back, she’d been so down, but here in the last couple of days she’d been back to her old self. I couldn’t help but be stoked that maybe I’d had something to do with the change.

I used voice command to call up the Capt.

"Chase where the hell are you, I thought you were here."

"Just left the station sir, headed to lunch, I'm also taking an hour personal time."

"Again? That's twice in as many days; just don't bring me back any more bodies for the asshole Feds to fight over. Fucking vultures. Hey, you making time with that Spalding girl?"

"Uh, Capt." I felt the heat in my face.

"Hey you could do much worst, like that horse faced one that's been after you for years, what a dog."

"Oh geez Cap. I have company."

"Oh, well why didn't you say so, please tell me it's not the pinto, the Spalding girl is so much hotter, ah, to be young again."

"I'm going now Cap." My voice sounded a little strained.

"Okay, okay, take all the time you need son."

Shania was laughing out loud by the time I hit the off button. "I'm glad you're amused by my embarrassment."

"I'm sorry, it's just that the horse face one is a perfect description." My lips twitched as I tried not to laugh, it really wasn't nice to laugh at others, but the lady in question was such a pain in the ass that she just rubbed everyone the wrong way.

"Hey aren't we going the wrong way, the town center is that way."

"I'm taking you to my place, I need to feed the cat."

"Cat, you don't have a cat." I gave her a lascivious leer and watched her face turn beet red; she slugged me in the arm when she finally got my meaning.

"Oh my word you're terrible." Terrible or not, she was blushing and laughing, her cheeks pink with a happy flush.

"I love making you laugh, feels good."

"I like laughing with you too." She put her hand on my thigh.

The air grew heavy suddenly and I pressed my foot down on the gas. The need had suddenly become unbearable. Had it only been a few hours ago that I’d taken her for the first time? It felt like a whole lifetime had gone by.

I don't even remember getting home, opening the door, pulling her inside. My mouth was on hers even as my hands tore at the blouse and jeans she wore. One of her pants legs got stuck on her sneakers, but I refused to waste time untangling them.

Instead, I pulled her sexy as fuck underwear down as far as they would go released my hard-on and picking her up impaled her on my cock.

"Ohhhh." She moaned as I hit bottom. I stumbled to the nearest wall almost blind with lust.

With her back held against the wall, I pulled her trapped legs higher, and with one hand on the wall and the other under her to hold her up, I took.

