The Golden Raven (All for Game #5) Read Online Nora Sakavic

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Sports, Tear Jerker, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: All for Game Series by Nora Sakavic

Total pages in book: 177
Estimated words: 163209 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 816(@200wpm)___ 653(@250wpm)___ 544(@300wpm)

“I have no reason to fight,” Kevin said. “Everything I want and need still lies ahead of me; it is a waste of time to look back so long as that holds true.”

“Justice is not a waste of time.”

“I don’t care about justice. All I want in life is to play the perfect game.” After a beat he added, “And to know why you are applying to law school. You belong on the US Court with me, but they can’t sign you if you’re not contracted to a professional team. Don’t say you want to quit. I will not believe you.”

“That topic was already vetoed for the night,” Jeremy reminded him. “Let’s focus on one nightmare at a time.”

It was an inexcusable slip. Maybe later he’d forgive himself for being careless, considering the conversation they’d just had, but right now the look Kevin turned on him had Jeremy taking two steps back. The chirping crosswalk gave him an excuse to turn and walk away, and he made it all the way to the front door of the liquor store before Kevin caught up with him. Jeremy gestured for Kevin to precede him inside, but Kevin stopped beside him.

“Jeremy,” Kevin pressed.

“Promise me you’ll protect him tomorrow,” Jeremy said. “That’s all I’m asking.”

The look on Kevin’s face said he wasn’t going to let this slide for long, but at last Kevin said, “I promise.”

Jeremy couldn’t manage a smile, but he knew Kevin didn’t expect one from him. “Thank you. You’re a good friend, Kevin. I hope you know that.”

“He and I are not friends.”

“But you’re mine,” Jeremy said, and said again, “Thank you.”

It took Kevin only a few minutes to get the bottle he needed, and the walk back to the house passed in dead silence. Rather than take his drink inside, Kevin stopped beside Jeremy’s car and said, “It is for tomorrow.” Jeremy unlocked the doors so Kevin could stow the bottle in the passenger seat footwell, and they continued into the house emptyhanded. Jeremy feigned not to see Laila’s curious look when they returned without bags but settled in next to her at the island.

“Smells great,” he said, motioning for Kevin to take the last seat beside him.

“Of course it does,” Cat said cheerily. “We made it. Check this out.”

Jeremy only heard every other word as she showed off the recipe they were trying, but that was all right. Here it was warm and safe, and Jeremy could use that to hold the rest at bay for at least a little while.



Jean and Kevin were due at the station at half-past nine on Saturday morning. Kevin had gone over what to expect over a light breakfast, but nothing he said could make Jean feel better about this. It wasn’t a live segment, but the turnaround time for it to be aired was only expected to be a few hours. They could each bring one guest to wait in the wings—Andrew for Kevin and Jeremy for Jean—but other than that it would just be them and the crew in the studio. Kevin had gotten a written promise there’d be no other guests.

The whole setup was a complete turnaround from every other appearance Kevin had agreed to. Jean wasn’t sure if Kevin had set such strict rules for Jean’s sake or in response to how badly Kathy Ferdinand’s show went last fall. He was honestly a little surprised the station went along with so many demands, but Kevin hadn’t spoken to anyone since finals. Perhaps the exclusive right to finally ask Kevin about Riko’s death was worth any concession.

Jean had been trying to hold that thought at bay for weeks, but with them five minutes from leaving the house it hit like a bag of bricks. He glanced across the living room at Kevin, who was trying to hug himself out of existence near the bay window, and felt his stomach give a violent lurch. He barely made it to the bathroom in time to throw his entire breakfast up, and his hands were trembling so badly afterward he could barely sip water from the sink.

“Oh, babe,” Cat said, combing her fingers through his hair as he tried tearing the hand towel in half. She traded him a glass of water for the towel. “You can do this. I know you can.”

“I can’t. I won’t go.”

“You can,” she stressed. “Kevin and Jeremy will be right there with you, and Laila and I will be cheering you on from here.”

“Pretend you’re talking to us,” Laila added from the doorway.

“I can’t talk to the press. I’m not allowed. And I can’t—” listen to Kevin lie about Riko.

“Maybe you should have a drink, too,” Cat mused. Jean didn’t think it would at all help, but he drained half of the glass she’d brought him. Cat clarified a moment later with, “I mean vodka. I know it’s not your style, but Kevin seems a bit more settled since he knocked some back. It’s kind of funny; I hadn’t thought him the type to get stage fright.”

