The Frat Boy (Nashville Neighborhood #4) Read Online Nikki Sloane

Categories Genre: College, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nashville Neighborhood Series by Nikki Sloane

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 114337 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 572(@200wpm)___ 457(@250wpm)___ 381(@300wpm)

Nina uncapped a dry erase marker and scribbled our names along the top of the board, then drew lines to separate them into columns. “Does anyone want to go first?” When no one spoke, she turned to face the table. “Okay, we’ll start with the ladies. Madison, what have you got?”

Mads was the kid the teacher had just called on who hadn’t done the assigned reading. Panic swarmed her eyes. “Uh . . .”

Always trying to be helpful, Abbie leaned over to the other girl. “I use whatever I’ve been fantasizing about recently. Like, a few weeks ago I was all hot about sleepy sex, where I wake up and some dude’s fucking me. Remember that one, Jaquan?”

She gave him a sexy wink, and he chuckled. And judging by his face—yeah. He definitely remembered that scene.

She turned her attention back to Mads. “Don’t worry about throwing out ideas. None of us are going to judge you, I promise, and honestly, whatever it is, I’ll probably think it’s super hot.”

Abbie’s encouragement must have disabled whatever was holding Mads back. “Working out with a personal trainer,” she said abruptly. The room was silent, forcing her to elaborate. “Where he’s telling me what to do, but then his instructions turn dirty.”

Fuck me running.

Every muscle in me corded, making me rigid. This was her fantasy? Because it was exactly like mine, too. There was no way I hadn’t inspired this idea. Had she spent the entire weekend thinking about it, just like I had?

Did she imagine me touching her body to correct her form? My hands would start off innocent, but then I’d slide them into a place that would draw out a startled moan. Her thin sports bra wouldn’t stand a chance against me.

Beneath the table, my hand rested on my thigh, and I clenched it into a fist. My dick was growing hard, and I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable.

“I’ll do it,” I announced. Ideally, no one would notice how strangled and urgent my voice had become.

Everyone turned to look at me, including her. Dismay crossed her face, but something else darted through her eyes. It was as if she didn’t like that I’d volunteered, but also . . . maybe she did? I saw an electric charge of excitement—and I hoped I wasn’t imagining it.

“It’s a good idea for a scene.” Nina’s expression said she was about to deliver bad news. “So good, in fact, Scott had the same idea a few months back, and we’ve already filmed it.”

“Oh.” Mads’ gaze went to the whiteboard and the empty column under her name. Literally back to the drawing board.

“But we can rework the concept.” Nina’s brow furrowed as she thought about it. “Instructions that turn dirty,” she repeated, mostly to herself.

“A tutor?” Jaquan offered.

Anxiety spiked inside me. I wanted to do another scene with Mads and could feel my chance slipping away.

A lightbulb went off in Nina’s mind, and her smile was wide as she turned to her husband. “A professor.”

Scott considered it and nodded. “Sure. We could use the office.”

The conversation was moving too fast. He was the logical choice and had just agreed to play the role, which meant he’d be Mads’ scene partner—not me.

“What do you think, Madison?” Nina turned back to face the table. “You could be the cute co-ed willing to do anything to get a good grade.”

“Me,” she said slowly, “and Scott.”

When her hesitant gaze flicked to me, my heart stopped. Was she nervous about performing alone with Nina’s husband, or was this disappointment I wouldn’t be her partner?

“It could be during the professor’s office hours,” I said abruptly, “and I wander in to catch them.”

Nina tilted her head to the side as she thought about it, but her lips skewed. “It’s okay, but it’s kind of similar to your last scene. You don’t want to be known as the guy who’s always walking in on people.”

“Okay.” She made a good point, and my brain scrambled to come up with an alternative. “Then, let’s say I have an appointment with the professor to discuss something. But Mads shows up before that because it’s open office hours and ambushes him.”

“Mads?” Abbie asked quietly.

Before I could say anything, Nina leaned forward and put her hands on the table. She’d latched on to the idea, and the scene was taking shape in her head. “What could the appointment be about?”

Mads abruptly came to life, and her lips twisted into an evil smile. “The professor caught him cheating.”

She put extra emphasis on it, which wasn’t necessary. I understood the subtext. This was about her claiming the Sigs had cheated in the tournament.

“Does Colin join in on the fun,” Nina asked, “or does he only get to watch as punishment?”

Maybe she’d only been thinking out loud, but once the question had been asked, it became obvious only one person could answer it.

