The Earl’s Spark – Heart’s Compass Read Online Aliyah Burke

Categories Genre: Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 92812 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

He kissed me.

A kiss similar to the ones Albie had taken, but unlike with him, this one she could still feel. Her body tingled and wanted more.

She nodded. “More.”

The question was, did she trust him at his word? Or was this just another power play? She would have to have been blind not to notice the tension between him and Albie. Was she nothing more than a pawn in their squabble?

More importantly, why am I thinking of doing as he said?

Because she was tired. Going from job to job as she’d been doing for the past several years was taking its toll on her. Things were a bit better now that she no longer had to take care of her niece and nephews or that house, but there had been a reason she didn’t work in the fields.

She rubbed her chest and the scars on it. Perhaps this arrangement with Lord Edais would help her. If she were brave enough to take the chance.

The man hadn’t flinched when he’d brushed the scars along her neck. Fyre shook her head. No, she couldn’t allow herself to get wrapped up in some creative fantasy her mind was spinning.

Lost in her thoughts, she was shocked when another loud pounding came to her door. Shaking off her improper musings of one Lord Phillip, she pushed away from the counter and got to the door just before it swung open and Elonne filled the doorway.

His face was set in a mask of anger.

“You are just set on ruining my name and Cara’s. How about your niece’s and nephews’?”

Stunned by the venom in his tone, she stumbled back. “Elonne? What are you talking about?”

“How you move out and then have men at your place. White men.”

“Are you referring to Lord Edais?”

“More than one man just stops by and enters your house without a chaperone?”

He moved closer and, for the first time in her life, she didn’t feel protected by her brother, but scared of the man who’d always been present and until that moment defended her.

“He had a footman with him, the door was not ever closed and, not that it is any of your concern, but he was barely here for five minutes.”


He smacked her in the face and a sob burst from her as she clamped a hand over her stinging cheek. Unlike when Cara had done it, her brother had put some real force behind his swing, and it hurt.

“You are acting like a whore and you should be ashamed.”

Anger surged. Keeping one hand on the warm imprint on her cheek, she stood straight and stared at him. “I am not a child who needs looking after, Elonne. I am a fully grown woman who has her own place. If you would stop listening to the vile lies spit about me by your wife, you would realize I am still the same sister who worked hard while living in your home. The only difference was I gave you money then. Now you see how much your wife is spending and you are mad. I will not be your target for that anger.”

He scowled and she matched it.

“Do not come back here without an invitation. If I am such an embarrassment, then we can just pretend not to know one another. I have done nothing wrong. I’ve not done anything to shame the family name, other than do a job that you encouraged me to follow. Get out.”

“Gwen—” he began, and she shook her head.

“No. I have nothing more to say to you, Elonne. So you, and whoever your spy is that is giving you all of this information, stay away from me.”

“Miss Gwen.”

She looked around her brother’s wide shoulders to find Marta there.

“Yes, Mrs. Marta?” It was hard for her to put a smile on her face, but she managed to do so.

The woman’s eyes flicked from her cheek to her brother and back again.

“I came back for a few more of those delicious pastries we had while Lord Edais stopped by.” She smiled and looked at her brother. “Mr. Elonne.”

“You were here?” Elonne asked, his darker skin growing pale.

“Yes.” She walked in like she owned the place. “I am just going to take a few.”

Tears burned Fyre’s eyes. “As many as you like, Mrs. Marta.”

She did and as she headed back to the door she paused, eyes narrowing as she looked at the mark on Fyre’s face then to her brother. “You know, I like that Lord Edais comes through here often. It shows to others that he cares about what happens in this small area.” She stepped outside. “Do not forget lunch is with myself and Georges today.”

“I will be there, Mrs. Marta.”

“You did not tell me she was here.”

“Goodbye, Elonne.”

Rebuffing his attempts to speak to her, she shut the door firmly in his face before going to pour some water on a cloth and press it to her skin, trying to take the sting out. A short time later, Mrs. Marta came back in and took over. Fyre didn’t have the energy to argue with someone else.

