The Drummer’s Heart Read Online Penelope Ward

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Drama Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 92466 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 462(@200wpm)___ 370(@250wpm)___ 308(@300wpm)

“Well…” My mother sighed. “Nicole is a grown woman. She can make her own decisions. And while I can accept and love this baby, because it’s my grandchild, I will not accept her being left alone to raise it while you do God knows what on the road.”

I closed my eyes a moment. My mother’s attitude was partially the result of my own attitude for so long; I knew that. She’d fed off of what I’d told her, so I couldn’t completely blame her. I’d used her as a sounding board, and that had backfired. I’d now have to work to get her to come around. It was likely something only time could fix.

Atticus continued to be resilient. “I can understand why you’re wary, Maria. And by all means, take the time you need to get used to this, but I’m not going anywhere. Never again—unless she tells me to.” He walked over and wrapped his arm around me. “And for the record, if it were a matter of giving up my career or your daughter, I would choose her in a heartbeat. She hasn’t told me to make that choice, but it’s one I’m prepared for at any given moment.”

My eyes widened. I would never ask that of him, but it warmed me to hear him say it.

My mother’s shoulders relaxed a bit, and she walked over to me. “I’m sorry for not congratulating you. Obviously I’m thrilled to be having a grandchild. I just feel very protective of you.”

I smiled as I hugged her. “You don’t need to protect me. Atticus and I have both made mistakes in the past several years. We both played a hand in our breakup. But with this baby inside of me, I’m in a vulnerable place. Stress is not good for me right now. So while I’ve always valued your feedback, I need to kindly ask that you keep further negative opinions about Atticus to yourself.” I placed my hand on my stomach. “I know for certain that he’s going to be a damn good father to this baby, just like he’s a good father to his son.”

My mother nodded. “I won’t say anything else except congratulations again and I love you. And I hope to come visit you, wherever that may be, and help you when the time comes.”

“Thank you.” I nodded. “I appreciate that.”

“It’s a shame that Mimi passed before you could tell her,” she added. “She would’ve been so happy to be having a great-grandchild.” She grabbed a donut and one of the coffees Atticus had brought. “I’ll be out in the yard for a bit.”

As she slipped out, Atticus took me in his arms. “I had no idea your mother harbored so much resentment toward me. But I shouldn’t be surprised.”

I shook my head. “It’s my fault for the way I handled things for so long. I turned her against you, and I’m sorry. Both of us have had our share of fucking up. I started it. You finished it. But we’re both still here. And I love you.” I placed my hand on his face. “All Mimi wanted was the best for us. The least I can do to honor her memory is start being honest with myself. I love you. I never stopped, and I want this baby with you so much. You don’t need to give anything up. I wouldn’t let you do that. We’ll figure it out, okay?”

His eyes glistened. “Nicole…my love. I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but I’ll take it. The only opinion that matters to me is yours. And to hear those words come out of your mouth again?” He held me in his arms. “I love you so much, baby.”

After a moment, Atticus picked up the remaining coffees and offered me one. “Let’s take our coffees for a walk.”

“Now? We still have so much work to do.”

“It can wait. We need to clear our heads and get caffeinated—well, half-caf for you. The fresh air will do us good.”

My head was pounding, so I wasn’t going to argue. “Okay.” I pulled back the lid and took the first glorious sip as we headed out the door.

A couple of blocks down the road, we passed my dream house, the white one that had purple flower baskets out front in the spring and summer.

I sighed. “There she is…”

“You still love that house, huh?”

“I do.”

“You know, you’ve only ever seen the outside. How do you know you’ll like the inside?”

“I can’t imagine it’s not nice on the inside if they take such good care of the exterior.”

Atticus slowed his pace. “I wonder if the owner would let us see it.”

“What good would that do? It would just make me want it even more.”

“I still think we should ask.”

I shook my head. “That’s totally weird and rude, Atticus. I could never do that.”

