The Drummer’s Heart Read Online Penelope Ward

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Drama Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 92466 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 462(@200wpm)___ 370(@250wpm)___ 308(@300wpm)

“In all seriousness,” I said as the room faded to silence and I turned toward Tristan and Emily. “A love story like yours is something most people dream of. I’m sure some of those here don’t realize all of the obstacles you’ve overcome to get to where you are right now. I’d tell everyone the details, but no one has time for a scandal tonight…” I chuckled. “They’re hungry and want to start drinking.”

I exhaled, feeling a bit of relief, knowing this was about to come to an end. “All this ball busting to say, I’m so happy that the two of you found the loves of your lives.” My chest filled with regret and sadness as that sentence exited my mouth, and my speech lurched off on an unscripted trajectory. “Not everyone is lucky enough to be married to the person they love most in the world, and there’s no greater pain than knowing that person is out there without you. But you have inspired me to keep going, keep hoping, and to reprioritize what really matters.”

My eyes began to water. Fuck. I took a deep breath in, refusing to let a single tear fall. “At the end of our lives, it won’t be about how many albums we sold or the accolades we have. It will be about the people we got to love and the memories we have of them.” I raised my glass. “Please join me in raising a toast to Tristan and Emily, two of the best people I know.”

As everyone lifted their glasses, I snuck in one more jab. “By the way, Emily, the bartender is asking to see your ID, please, before you drink that...” I winked and stepped down from the podium.

The audience cheered, and I didn’t even return to my seat, wasting no time before going in search of Nicole. It felt like someone had taken my shackles off.

I walked around and scoped out each table. But she was nowhere to be found. A sinking feeling developed in the pit of my stomach.

She’s not here.



The bathroom was my refuge. After Atticus’ speech, I needed a moment.

His niece found me staring at myself in the restroom mirror.

“Hey, Nicole. You okay?”

I turned, forcing a smile. “Yeah.”

Kenzie narrowed her eyes. “If you say so...”

I smoothed out the wrinkles in my dress. “You’ve been working hard.”

“It’s been nonstop craziness.” She sighed. “Since everyone’s eating, this was my first opportunity to use the bathroom.” Kenzie entered one of the stalls. “You sure you’re okay?”

I could hear her peeing. “I’m fine. I just needed a breather…”

“After my uncle’s speech, you mean?”

I stilled. “That didn’t help.”

“I nearly died when he mentioned you. Well, not directly, but you know what I mean.”

Yeah, that hadn’t been on my bingo card, either. I exhaled. “I think my coming here might have been a mistake, Kenzie.”

She exited the stall and came over to the sink. “Why?”

“Seeing him here today…under these circumstances…it’s just been a lot.”

She pumped some foamy soap. “Seeing him makes you realize how much you still love him?”

“It’s never been about not loving him.”

“The feeling is clearly mutual.” She smiled. “And gosh, Nicole, can I just say… You look beautiful. No wonder he couldn’t take his eyes off you during the ceremony.”

I smiled. While that didn’t surprise me, I hadn’t noticed because I’d kept my eyes fixed on Tristan and Emily to avoid feeling too much when it came to Atticus standing at the altar.

She dried her hands. “Gotta run.” Kenzie sped out the door.

I lingered for a few more minutes before forcing myself to leave the bathroom. Except instead of returning to my assigned seat at a table filled with strangers, I walked out another doorway, which led to a balcony. A set of stairs there led to the beach below. I took off my shoes and walked down to the shore.

Staring out at the ocean, I let the wind blow through my hair. I knew I couldn’t hide all night, but I wasn’t ready to face him.

A deep voice came from behind me. “If I didn’t know better, I would think you were avoiding me.”

I turned to find Atticus looking even more handsome than before, the ocean breeze tousling his previously coiffed hair. The sadness in his eyes brought down my guard a bit.

“I think I have been avoiding you,” I admitted.


“Because being here is overwhelming. And every time I look at you, I’m reminded of what I threw away.”

He took a step toward me. “You know damn well that I’m the reason we’re not together. Not the other way around.”

“Not entirely. If I hadn’t given up on us in the first place, we would still be together.”

“You had your reasons at the time.”

“Well, none of them make sense to me anymore. How the hell could I have let you go like that?” I shook my head. “Anyway, this wedding is just bringing out a lot of emotions in me.”

