The Crush Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 37
Estimated words: 33586 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 168(@200wpm)___ 134(@250wpm)___ 112(@300wpm)

I’ve been extremely lucky in all this time not to let on to him or anyone else how I really felt, except my best friend who’s always known. She’s the one who told me to stop playing around, to just go for it before it was too late. We were both getting older after all and my Nicki is quite a catch, what with his success in his career, and his movie star good looks.

In a sea of blonde surfer types in our little beach town, he had a full head of jet-black curls that ran riot over his head, set off by a pair of piercing green eyes that changed hue according to his mood. His body as I remember was a work of art, and had only grown better over the years. My friends and even a few frenemies had lusted after him back in the day to my horror. And now that I had a new understanding of what the male physique was all about, I wanted the fulfillment of what had been awakened inside me that long ago day.

Over the years I’ve seen women come and go, and through the heartache and stomach cramps, I held out hope that he would never love one of them enough to settle down and have a family. I think I would’ve died if that had ever happened, but I lucked out there too.

Now it was do or die time, my whole future hung in the balance here. Please let me handle this right. He’d been watching me expectantly for the past five minutes as if waiting for me to make the next move. The words played through my head, but I wasn’t quite sure how to get them out. After all these years of rehearsing, and when it came down to it I was stumped.

“I want to have your baby.” Oh shit. His jaw clenched and a slash of red covered his high cheekbones as his eyes went to half slits. My mouth went suddenly dry before pooling with saliva that I desperately needed to quench my sudden thirst. Please don’t laugh in my face. It was the only thought that made it past my mortification.

“Fuck baby. Are you sure?” Huh? Of all the things I’d expected him to say that was not it. I could only nod my head as the reality of what I’d just let slip hit me. My body flashed from hot to cold in quick succession and I felt sick to my stomach, but I held it together. It was out in the open now, there was no way to take it back or pretend. From this day forth this will always be between us. I can throw up later.

He moved towards me like the predator I had come to see him as, and with just one finger, trailed a path down my cheek to the pulse in my neck, before wrapping that hand around my nape. I couldn’t have moved if my life depended on it. He studied me for what felt like forever, as he seemed to be battling some inner demon. There was a shift in the air when he appeared to have reached a conclusion. “Be ready after the party.” And with that he turned and left the room. I found the nearest chair and fell into it with a thud as my heart raced and my limbs grew heavy.

Did that really just happen? And what was after the party, did he mean…? Oh hell. “Okay get a grip on yourself Melanie, you have a room full of people out there who have no idea that your whole world has just been changed with a few words.”

After I got the butterflies as under control as they were gonna get, I made my way back on shaky legs. He’d said yes, I think that’s what happened, my head felt so light I was in danger of passing out. I made a quick side trip into the bathroom to check my appearance. I really needed a consult with my bestie, but she had a family thing come up at the last minute and couldn’t be here. Just as well, I can’t expect her to hold my hand all the way now can I?


I wanted everyone gone now, but if I went out there issuing orders, more than a few people will start asking questions. Instead I took the opportunity to cool my ardor somewhat while I bided my time. I stayed out of people’s way because I was in no mood to entertain anyone. All I wanted was to have her beneath me for a long fucking time. My dick seemed to know that it was all systems go and he wasn’t known for his etiquette on a good day. I hope she knew what the night was going to hold. Maybe in her mind she saw candlelight dinners and walks on the beach.

