The Charlie Method (Campus Diaries #3) Read Online Elle Kennedy

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Campus Diaries Series by Elle Kennedy

Total pages in book: 167
Estimated words: 164557 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 823(@200wpm)___ 658(@250wpm)___ 549(@300wpm)

Breathing hard himself, he squeezes my waist with both hands, slowly turning me around until I find Beckett’s silver-gray eyes dancing at me.

He drags his thumb over my bottom lip. “Kiss me good night, Charlie.”

Oh my God.

I’m nearing peak level arousal. I’m afraid that the moment our lips touch, a spontaneous orgasm might sweep through me. My clit is tight and throbbing. My nipples hurt. I’m breathing hard.

I gasp when Will slides his hands through my hair to tip my head back. I grab Beckett by the collar and tug him toward me, but unlike Will, Beckett teases me, his lips just barely grazing mine. It’s infuriating and thrilling at the same time, making me want him even more.

After what feels like an eternity of playful tension, he lets me have it. His lips move against mine in a slow, teasing rhythm, as if he’s savoring every second. Beckett’s kiss is as hungry as Will’s, as skillful. But he continues to tease, depriving me of his tongue until I’m the one chasing it into his mouth.

When our tongues finally meet, I release a satisfied moan and hear Will’s hoarse voice say, “Fuck. That’s such a sweet sound.”

I never want it to end, whimpering when Beckett ends the kiss.

“Come on, let’s get you home,” he says.

I blink. My heartbeat is still erratic. “What?”

“Unlock your car.”

I do it, my hand shaking as I click the key fob.

Beckett opens the driver’s side door for me. “Drive safe, okay? Message when you get home so we know you made it back all right.”

“That’s it?” I say in confusion. “You don’t want to…”

“What, you want us to fuck you in your car?”

My thighs clench.

“I mean, we could,” he says, “but that’s a real waste of a first time, don’t you think?”

“He’s right. A car quickie isn’t it, Charlie.” Will steps in to brush another kiss on my lips before guiding me into my driver’s seat.

He and Beckett move aside as I start the engine, but they don’t walk away.

“Are you just going to stand there and watch me go?” I ask.

“Of course,” Will answers. “We’re not leaving this parking lot until you do.”

I can still see them in the rearview mirror as I drive away.

Will, with his boyish smile that I’m starting to suspect is a cover for the kind of passion that would make a woman blush.

Beckett, all sex and smirks, the kind of guy who leaves a trail of broken hearts and doesn’t look back.

Even if they asked me to choose between them, I honestly don’t think I could. And now I’m cursing myself for taking a bite, because that sampler was the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted.

How the heck am I supposed to resist the feast?



My wife will murder you without hesitation

I ARRIVE AT THE RINK FOR MORNING SKATE WITH A PEP IN MY STEP. I don’t even care that it’s barely past eight. I’ve got Charlotte Kingston on the brain. Haven’t been able to stop thinking about the girl since Beck and I got home from our date last night.

Man, she can kiss.

I want to kiss her again. Everywhere.

But she left us last night with no clarity about whether she wants to pursue this. She wanted a good-night kiss, yes, but that doesn’t mean she’s interested in hanging out again. Taking things further. I’d love to blow up her phone asking to see her again, check how she feels about things, tell her how much I want her, but I don’t want to scare her away.

Beckett doesn’t want that either. He talked me out of double texting her after the Glad you made it home safe, thanks for tonight message I sent when we got home.

I would’ve loved to see her again tonight, but we’re playing the first game of a two-game weekend series later. Coach Jensen, who’s usually waiting for us on the ice at practice, is in the locker room today when everyone starts filing in. He’s accompanied by a tall man with salt-and-pepper hair and bright blue eyes who I’m certain I’ve seen before but can’t place. The newcomer wears a gray Briar U hoodie and has a whistle dangling around his neck.

Coach waits for the room to fill up before clapping his hands to get everyone’s attention.

“Shut up,” he barks, and within seconds, he’s met with silence. “I’ve got an announcement to make. This is Coach Hollis. He’ll be joining the coaching staff as of today. Coming on board for the rest of the season.”

Everyone waits for him to continue. He doesn’t.

“See you out there,” he says brusquely, then stalks off.

“He hasn’t changed one bit,” Coach Hollis says, beaming from ear to ear. He claps his hands too. “All right, I’ll keep it quick. I’m Mike Hollis. You can call me Coach or Hollis or Mike—honestly, I’m not picky. Names mean nothing.”

