The Charlie Method (Campus Diaries #3) Read Online Elle Kennedy

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Campus Diaries Series by Elle Kennedy

Total pages in book: 167
Estimated words: 164557 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 823(@200wpm)___ 658(@250wpm)___ 549(@300wpm)

I spend the night in Will’s room, the way I always do. Beckett prefers to sleep alone, I’ve discovered. I suspect it’s simply another way to keep us at arm’s length, to never commit more than his body to this endeavor. Even getting him to share two sentences about his ex-girlfriend had been like pulling teeth. I’m still shocked he even admitted to writing letters to her after the breakup. He’s allergic to intimacy, and it’s starting to bother me a little, but I don’t want to push him because I know how much it sucks being pushed.

The next morning, I wake up to an SOS on my phone from my Little.


Can we meet up ASAP? I just got kicked out of my dorm.



The Method failed me

I MEET BLAKE AT DELLA’S DINER A COUPLE OF HOURS LATER. SHE’S with Gigi and a platinum blond named Diana. Blake warned me ahead of time that Diana was recently assaulted by an ex—which sounds downright terrifying—so I’m able to mask my shock when I see the purple-and-black bruising on Diana’s face. Sounds like Diana and her boyfriend, Shane, had a tough winter. His father died. She was attacked. I can’t even imagine going through either of those events without having a breakdown.

“What happened?” I ask Blake as I slide into the booth beside her. “How did you get kicked out of Burton House? Is it a permanent thing?”

“According to them, yes,” she says flatly. “I’m not allowed to step foot in there except to pack up my stuff. Supervised. But my parents are going to speak to the dean.”

“Seriously, what the hell happened?”

She grits her teeth. “Isaac happened.”

Oh dear.

“We were hanging out in the common room last night, and he invited some of his football buddies to come by and watch the game with us. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but he promised me they’d behave.” Her blue eyes flash. “They did not behave. They totally trashed the place. I’m talking broken furniture, spilled drinks, stained carpets. One of the linesmen even kicked a hole in the wall. By accident, but still.”

Blake is usually cool and collected, but this morning, I hear the note of panic in her voice.

“That’s awful,” I exclaim. “What are you going to do?”

“My dad promised he’d take care of it, but the dean is out of town until Tuesday, so I’m homeless for the next few days.”

“You’re not homeless,” Diana assures her. “I told you, you can crash at my place until you figure it out. I’ll stay with Shane next door.”

At my blank look, Diana explains that she and her boyfriend are next-door neighbors at an apartment complex not far from here. Beckett told me the other day that Shane was back at Briar. He’d moved home for a short time after his father passed away to help his mom and sister, but he returned to Hastings after Diana’s attack. I have a feeling he won’t be leaving her side anytime soon. I’m discovering that hockey players are beyond protective.

“And if that doesn’t work out,” I tell Blake, “I’m sure Will and Beckett would be happy to let you stay in their spare room.”

“Speaking of Will…” Gigi eyes me over the rim of her coffee cup as she takes a long sip.

“What?” I say.

“A little birdie told us you’re dating Will.”

“The birdie’s name is Will,” Diana says, snorting.

Discomfort has me shifting in my seat. “Yeah? What else did he say?”

“That was it.” Diana rolls her eyes. “Which is why we’re fishing for details.”

“Leave my Big alone,” Blake chides.

Gigi grimaces. “God, this sorority lingo is so weird.”

“I know,” I sigh.

“But no, Blakey, we will not leave your Big alone,” Diana says, flipping her ponytail over her shoulder. “So, Big…tell me…what are your intentions with our William?”

Luckily, I’m saved by the loud vibration of my phone.

“Hold that thought,” I tell them while inwardly praying they’re human goldfish and will forget what we’re talking about in five seconds.

I lift my purse onto my lap and dig around for my phone, finally finding it hiding under my wallet. As I pull it out of my bag, a piece of paper comes out with it, fluttering onto the tabletop in front of Diana.

She plucks it up and gives it back to me. “Here you go.”

“Thanks,” I say, a crease puckering my forehead. I don’t recognize the paper and have no idea why it’s in my bag, but rather than check it later, I make the stupid decision of unfolding it in front of everyone.

My heart stops when I recognize the handwriting.

It’s Beckett’s.

Not Will’s.

“Oh my God, is that a love note?” With a grin, Diana steals the paper back, her green eyes twinkling with mischief.

I try to snatch it out of her hand, but she’s already reading it out loud.

“Have a good day, baby girl. Miss you already.” Her jaw falls open. “Whoa. Will’s leaving secret notes in your purse? The boy has it bad.”

