The Broker (Nashville Neighborhood #6) Read Online Nikki Sloane

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Nashville Neighborhood Series by Nikki Sloane

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116232 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 387(@300wpm)

Maybe. But I was just guessing, because Patrick was kind of hard to read.

Eli, on the other hand, was not.

Within thirty seconds of meeting him, I knew he was the kind of guy who said whatever thought crossed his mind.

When it was explained to him on the Zoom call I was new to all this and my participation was likely going to be minimal, his disappointment was clear. He said he hoped I’d be willing to join in on the fun.

This had nearly blown up the whole thing up, with Noah threatening to cancel because he was sure Eli would be too high-pressure.

But Eli’s apology had been swift and seemingly genuine. And after we’d ended the call, I’d assured Noah I’d be all right. I didn’t expect Eli to be aggressive, but if he was, I’d encountered those kinds of guys before and could handle myself. Plus, I knew Noah had my back.

Patrick had said their boat was older, but I couldn’t tell. Everything about it seemed new and high tech, and it was in excellent shape, making me even more excited for our cruise.

Once we were ready, I took a seat beside Noah on one of the benches near the back, and Shannon and Eli sat opposite us, while Patrick finished casting off and started the motors.

It didn’t take us long to reach the center of the lake, where long shadows stretched across the mirrored surface, and the incessant buzz of the cicadas hummed from the trees. With the engine off, it was peaceful, and I relaxed into Noah, enjoying the moment.

Drinks were passed around, and conversation flowed easily. It was clear that Patrick and Shannon were private. I didn’t know their last name or what they did for a living or if they had any kids, but Eli was more forthcoming. He’d joined the Marines straight out of high school, and after an eight-year enlistment, he’d left and become a security guard and firefighter.

He’d lived a wild lifestyle while he was in the military, and it had carried over into his civilian life. I was surprised to learn he’d been in the lifestyle longer than anyone else on the boat, and that Shannon and Patrick had only been swinging for a few years.

“Her sex drive is higher than mine,” Patrick said as he squeezed onto the bench beside his wife, “and I like watching, so that works out pretty great for us.” He gave her a sexy, knowing smile. “I like seeing her happy when she goes out on dates, and I love hearing all about them when she comes back to me.”

She had an almost dreamy look as she gazed at him, but then remembered there were other people around. “But we don’t need it,” she said. “Playing with others is just a fun bonus.”

I liked hearing everyone talk so freely about it, because it was fucking fascinating to me.

The sun slipped further down, and the stars slowly became visible in the inky black sky. The mood on the boat was chill, but I wondered if they were all secretly pretending, as I did, that they didn’t feel the undercurrent of electricity. The anticipation hummed in me, making it hard to focus.

The lighting on the deck was minimal, and Shannon was so discreet about it, I hadn’t noticed her hand moving between Eli’s legs until Patrick glanced down and let out a sound of approval. She was sandwiched between the men on the small bench, fitted perfectly up against her husband, while massaging the erection that was tenting the front of the other man’s shorts.

It was no longer news to me I was into voyeurism, but what was surprising? How much I liked watching someone else watch.

It was sexy in a taboo, forbidden way how Patrick studied his wife. How he watched the hand decorated with her wedding rings slide back and forth and caused pleasure to twist on the younger man’s face.

He brought his lips right to the shell of his wife’s ear. “Should we head below?”

She nodded enthusiastically.

The lake was relatively quiet with hardly any boats passing, but we weren’t alone, and it was clear they wanted privacy for our group.

Tonight’s show would be closed to the public, invitation only.

I took Noah’s hand when he offered to help me from my seat.

Once we were below deck, Shannon gave us a brief tour, and the interior of the boat reminded me a bit of a tour bus. It was compact, with a low ceiling and tight layout, made worse because there were five of us. But it was elegantly finished. The floor was hardwood, and the furniture was covered in leather, making it feel luxurious and upscale.

From the steps leading back up, the galley kitchen was to our left. On our right, white leather cushioned seating wrapped around a table, creating a U-shaped booth. The head, complete with a shower, was a small room past the galley, and the sliding door beyond that was open. It revealed a decent-sized bed tucked against the bow, surrounded by storage cabinets.

