The Broker (Nashville Neighborhood #6) Read Online Nikki Sloane

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Nashville Neighborhood Series by Nikki Sloane

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116232 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 387(@300wpm)

I moved my fingers on the hand wedged between Charlotte’s thighs, just a little, but it was more than enough to draw a reaction from her, even though I was still a few inches from her pussy. Her tiny gasp was nearly drowned out by the loud moans coming from Lilith, but I heard it.

A lick of heat jolted through me, and the swelling in my pants intensified. I was sporting a semi and had to shift uncomfortably in my seat to try to keep it from getting any worse.

On stage, Lilith was still in the throes of her orgasm when Travis’s seemed to start. Both of his hands moved to latch on to her shoulders and hold her at that angle for his final few thrusts, and then quickly ease her back down onto the bench so she didn’t slam into the pad.

He pulled out, dropping his wet, fat dick on her ass, sandwiching it between her cheeks, and used his hands to push her cheeks together. A single glide back and forth was all he needed to finish himself off.

As he came, the muscles in his chest and arms corded like steel. His cum splattered across her back and bound hands in ribbons, and she gasped appreciatively.

Like she enjoyed it.

Like he’d rewarded her.

The crowd had been buzzing, but as he slowed to a stop, a hush fell over the room. The only movement was the heavy rise and fall of his chest, while he worked to catch his breath.

He took a half step back, tugged his underwear back up, and wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. Before he’d finished collecting himself, there was movement in the front row.

It was Clay. He stepped up onto the stage carrying Travis’s suit coat folded neatly over one arm and slipped his hand into the interior pocket. A handkerchief was retrieved and passed to Travis, who used it to wipe at the mess on Lilith’s hands.

The scene was winding down and some of the audience stood, making their way to the door, and they seemed to be led by the couple who’d been sitting beside me. The woman had made a beeline for the exit, probably in a big hurry to get upstairs and get their clothes off.

Charlotte and I stayed.

Maybe it was because I wanted to see the full conclusion to the scene. Or maybe it was because I couldn’t get my damn hand to move away from her.

So we remained watching as a lot of other people filed out. Travis finished cleaning Lilith up, undid the clasps of her cuffs, and helped her to stand. She turned to face Clay, who stepped between her and the audience’s view, then draped Travis’s coat over her shoulders. He worked to undo the buckles on her wrists while his partner focused on her ankles.

They were so tender and caring with each other, the sexual energy in the room faded. The atmosphere was too personal, too intimate. We’d watched them get naked, play, and fuck, but this quiet moment after?

It felt weirdly intrusive.

Charlotte must have sensed it too, because she glanced at me and looked like she was about to say something.

I beat her to it, though, and gestured to her now-empty drink. “C’mon,” I said softly. “Let’s get another round.”

When she nodded, it disrupted the spell enough that I was finally able to pull my hand away from her. But as we moved for the door, I felt the touch of her lingering on my skin. There was a craving in me to get her back in my hands as soon as possible.

We weren’t the only ones who’d decided to grab drinks after the show, which meant the bar was crowded and we had to stand close together while waiting our turn to order—but I wasn’t complaining. With her heeled boots, she was almost as tall as I was, and we fit together nicely in the cramped space.

“What’s the plan after we get our drinks?” Her voice turned sultry. “Are we going into one of the private rooms so you can do me that favor?”

I’d been trying to get the bartender’s attention, but now she had mine and I turned to look at her. “You like watching,” I said. “So I thought we could go upstairs,” I ran my heated gaze over her for emphasis, “where clothing is optional for everyone.”

Her smile started slowly and built. “Yeah. Definitely.” She looked so excited about it, I half expected her to say she wanted to forget about the drinks and head up there right now.

But I needed to slow her down, and my expression turned serious. “There are some things we have to talk about first.”

Worry flashed through her eyes at the same moment the bartender appeared. I put in our order, and she waited impatiently for him to leave and start making our drinks before she could ask it. “Talk about what?”

