The Broker (Nashville Neighborhood #6) Read Online Nikki Sloane

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Nashville Neighborhood Series by Nikki Sloane

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116232 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 387(@300wpm)

I didn’t know how long she spent going down on me. Time seemed to suspend. At one point, she shifted on the bed, adjusting to a more comfortable position. Then her hand joined the mix. Her fingers wrapped around the base of my cock, gripping tightly, and the intense pressure squeezed a groan of pleasure from my body.

I loved how she wasn’t delicate with me. Like she somehow knew if it was too much, I’d tell her. Her fist pumped in time with her mouth, making my slippery skin glide in and out of her grip.

She’d given me the heads up, so it only seemed fair to return the favor, and my words came out like gravel was lodged in my throat. “Fuck, you’re going to make me come.”

She gave another one of those sexy hums, and the orgasm that had seemed close was suddenly right on top of me.

Up until now, I’d been good. I’d avoided trying to take over, to take control. But my mind was no longer operating at one hundred percent, and my body took charge. My hands delved into her hair, holding her head still so I could pump from below.

I shouldn’t have been surprised that she was into me fucking her mouth like this. Rough and mindless. But Charlotte held perfectly still, making it easy for me to move how I wanted to. When a sexy moan bubbled up from deep inside her, it pushed me past the point of no return.

Heat fired through my limbs.

It traveled along every scalding nerve ending until it reached my center, and I came in a long, loud rush. True to her word, she didn’t retreat as my dick pulsed and filled her mouth with my cum. I shuddered with each wave, turned my head to the side, and groaned from the overwhelming pleasure.

When the pressure changed and she swallowed, the intense sensation made me flinch and contract. Charlotte sat up, swiped a finger across her lips, then collapsed beside me on the bed so we were both staring up at the spinning ceiling fan. The bare, warm skin of her arm pressed to mine, and maybe she was hoping to nestle in against me, but I wasn’t ready for that.

My recovery was slow.

I pushed out a long breath and hung my forearm over my forehead, using the back of my wrist to wipe away the sweat that clung there. My heart was beating faster than the ringing bell at close of business, and the rest of me was heavy and unmovable.

And yet a lightweight feeling washed through me, like a fleeting moment of euphoria.

When it was over, I rolled onto my side to face her, not caring that my pants and underwear were still awkwardly bunched around my calves. Her gaze stayed fixed on the ceiling, and I watched the rapid rise and fall of her chest. Maybe she needed to recover too.

She could sense my gaze was on her, but she didn’t turn her head when she spoke. “Thanks for tonight.” Her voice fell to a hush. “I know it’s weird to say, but I . . . needed it.”

There was a tug in my chest, like a rope being pulled taut. The force of it was so intense, I struggled to reply. “Anytime.” It had come out sounding playful, but I’d meant it. “I needed it too.”

She finally turned to look at me, and her eyes were unfocused. Was she adrift in her thoughts? I reached over and trailed my fingers along her jaw line, urging her to come closer and meet me halfway for a kiss.

There was another pull in my chest when our mouths came together, and this time it was more powerful. Far too big to write off or ignore. I had the terrifying thought that my body longed for her, like a magnet when it came close to another, drawn together.

I didn’t want a conventional relationship, and I wasn’t interested in romance or finding a soul mate. It meant I didn’t ‘date,’ at least not in the traditional sense.

And yet, at the end of our kiss, the question just popped out of my mouth. “So, when’s our next date?”

Charlotte drew in a deep breath, and her gaze dropped from mine. She stared at the center of my chest like it was more interesting than her Instagram feed. Abruptly, she turned and flopped over onto her back. Her face skewed with an expression that looked a hell of a lot like distress.

“About that,” she said.

But nothing followed it.

She paused for so long I wasn’t sure anything else was coming, and the moment hung tense between us. Was she going to reveal she didn’t want anything else from me? I should have been excited about her hesitation. I’d brought her home, hoping for that outcome.

