The Bodyguard Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 43574 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 218(@200wpm)___ 174(@250wpm)___ 145(@300wpm)

“We’ll talk about it later, but I don’t think one has anything to do with the other. You’re doing a job, you should get paid for it.” Spoken like someone who’s accustomed to paying everyone around her for every little thing. Poor kid, she probably hasn’t had a real friend since coming to this fucked up town.

I’d left it at that since we were pulling into the lot by then, but my mind was already made up. Not even if I’d needed the money would I contemplate such a dick move. Now I sat in my usual corner and fought not to rip her costar’s head off and skull fuck his corpse.


“Do you know that kid?” We’d barely made it through the door before I dragged her upstairs to our bed. I’d foregone the foreplay and just gave her pussy a cursory pass with my fingers before slipping my dick inside her. I think I broke the speed barrier getting us here I was that hot for her.

She didn’t help matters any, teasing my ass with her shit. She was trying out her new chops on me I suppose. She’d taken her sweet time saying goodbye to her peers as we left, and I could’ve sworn all those takes she had to do for that one kissing scene was all for my benefit.

I even warned her on one of her breaks but she just laughed and put her hand on my chest as she looked up at me with that innocent look of hers. Probably thought I was playing with her ass. If she only knew half of what was going on inside my head she’d have ran hard in the opposite direction.

But now I have her just where I want her and she’s about to pay for teasing my ass all day. Or maybe the shit was normal and I was reading too much into it. The fuck I know, I haven’t had a sane thought since I made her mine and it’s all her fucking fault. Why the fuck did she have to be an actress? I’m so fucked.

“What kid?” She strained her body against mine, and used her pussy muscles to draw me in, enticing me to fuck. But I needed some answers before I gave her what she wanted. What we both wanted truth be told. Because even as mad as I was, there was no denying the fiery need she’d unleashed in me again.

“The one you were kissing for two fucking hours on the set.” She stopped all movement and looked up at me warily. “You do know it’s just for the movie right.”

“I know it’s just a movie but I’m asking, do, you, know, him?” Did I mention that I’d lost my fucking mind?

“No, we’re not even friends. We just got picked to do the movie together.” She ran her hands soothingly up and down my chest as I leaned over her. Kind of the way you would a wild animal that had broken out of its cage.

“Doesn’t stop me from wanting to break his fucking face though. Pretty boy motherfucker.” She found my meltdown funny. I bit into her neck and stroked into her hard. “What’s so damn funny?”

“It’s funny because ‘you’re’ my pretty boy.” She barely got the words out through her laughter, and moved her hips suggestively like my show of manly power didn’t even faze her. And then her words registered.

“What the fuck? Who you calling a pretty boy? You see this jaw that chin, that’s all man baby.” She howled with laughter and it was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard. My heart opened just a little bit more and she took what she hadn’t already owned.

“Yours huh!” I brushed the hair back from her face and looked into her smiling eyes. I no longer felt murderous, now I could get down to the business of making love to my woman.

“For now.” What the fuck! Now it was my turn to stop moving.

“What the fuck does that mean?”

My heart which had only seconds before taken flight felt crowded with something not good.

“I don’t mean it like that. It’s just… I know you don’t like it here, and I love acting. I know when this is all done you’re gonna leave me.” There was such sadness in her voice it helped calm me down. She wasn’t throwing me away, not that she could; I wouldn’t let her.

“We’ll deal with that when we get to it. You do know they have planes that go both ways right? Besides, it might not be an issue for much longer.” I started thrusting again now that I was no longer imagining strangling her ass. And since when do I have meaningful conversations while I fuck?

“What do you mean?” She clutched at me and slapped my ass with her heels to get me to move faster, but I was in the mood to love her. Plus I had to pay her back for the hell she put me through all day. “You’ll know in about nine months.” Yep, there goes my dick. Every time I think about breeding her he acts up.

