The Billionaire Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Insta-Love, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 81977 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 410(@200wpm)___ 328(@250wpm)___ 273(@300wpm)

I didn’t want her to be this way with anyone else though. As my woman she would be queen of the fucking city. I didn’t want her being shy and meek with anyone else.

The sharks I swam with would see that as a weakness and go for the jugular. Then I’d have to get blood on my hands and that’s never good. There you go again getting ahead of yourself Gideon.

You’ve lost all sense of propriety and what little bit of civility you had seems to have disappeared entirely. Well that’s what happens when a lion has to protect his mate. I imagine that’s exactly how the king of beast feels.

"Look at me, you have nothing to fear from me, I will never hurt you, not in any way, and from now on no one else ever will."

She swallowed deeply and I knew what she was thinking. Okay then Gloves off, begin as you mean to go on. I didn’t plan on keeping anything from her, and ain’t that a kick in the head? Me Mr. Tight-lipped Thorpe wanted to be transparent.

"I you understand?" I spoke the words softly trying to take some of the sting from them. I didn’t want to embarrass her after all, far from it.

She’d looked into my eyes fearfully when I said I know. She knew what I meant it was evident by the sudden tears that sprang to her eyes. Fucking bastard, I should just make him pay for the hell of it. As it stood I'm tempted to go back on my word for the first time in my life.

I don't think I will be leaving her in his house after all.


Ispent the time between leaving her and the end of the school day pondering my next move. If I'd thought for one second that she was ignorant to her father's true feelings towards her I would be able to leave her there, but the knowledge in her eyes was my deciding factor.

It felt as if I was walking a minefield, I knew without a doubt that my Blossom would be the kind of girl who wanted the love of her father. She wouldn’t want to just walk away from him and everything she’d known; so how do I come between the two of them without losing her in the process? How do I get her to see the danger without becoming the enemy in her eyes?

I'd started out wanting her body yes; it was her beauty after all that had first captivated me. But there was something else there. That softness of hers was drawing me in, that sweet air of vulnerability had me wanting to wrap her up and keep her safe for always.

This was more than lust this was so much more than anything I’d ever done before. I’d never once wanted to protect, to own to consume. Everything about her just made me want to be everything she could ever want. Fuck I’m in trouble here.

She wasn't something you possessed for a time she was a treasure you cherished for a lifetime. That much I knew and I was determined to be the one to do it. No one else will ever tap into all that sweetness. I’d kill the motherfucker who tried.

Her youth gave me pause but only for a moment, it's my intentions that should bear scrutiny. If I meant to go forward with this, it must be more than a momentary fling, it must be...forever.

Could I do forever? Forever is a long fucking time, I've never wanted forever before. Somehow with my Blossom I think I could do two lifetimes and still not have enough. So yes, the answer is yes, I most certainly can do forever.

I could feel the lock click into place as I got ready to say goodbye to my freedom. Somehow I always thought there would be panic and fear associated with that thought but, nothing. I felt nothing but excitement at what was to come. That was one burden lifted, now to the other.

By the time I was waiting outside the school for her I had a course of action in mind. I had already called her dad to say that I will be keeping her after school before returning her to him after dinner.

To say he was displeased would be putting it mildly but I could care less, he was lucky he was seeing her again at all; the dumb fuck. I’d hung up on him when he started his bullshit, there was nothing he could do or say to stop this. If he knew what was going through my mind he’d shut the fuck up or find a hole to hide in.

I’d made up my mind how I wanted to do this now all that was left was for me to work on getting her use to the idea of living with me permanently. How would she react to such a thing?

