The Baddest Bad Boy Read Online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 29093 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 145(@200wpm)___ 116(@250wpm)___ 97(@300wpm)

Her cheeks color and I find it endearing because the curvy girl’s such a mix of the innocent and the tempting. I’ve seen her without a stitch of clothing on, her breasts bobbling as I ease my shaft into her secret spot. But right now, she looks more like a naïve virgin rather than a luscious woman of the world.

“True, but you did a lot of work, and frankly I’m not much of a chef. I cook, but it’s usually simple stuff like pasta so that I have something to eat. I don’t get fancy with honey and vanilla in my pancakes or anything.”

“That’s okay, sweetheart. Cooking is a skill, and you pick it up just like anything else.”

She blushes again.

“Do you cook like this for yourself when you’re alone?”

I shake my head ruefully.

“Honestly, my shelves are empty. I’m gone for such long stretches that most ingredients would spoil.”

Cammie nods, her eyes understanding.

“That makes sense. But what do you do when you are home then, if you’re not cooking?” she asks.

I shrug and grin.

“Not a lot, I guess. Catch up on some shows. Meet up with my brother, maybe grab a movie or two. Nothing special.”

She laughs and nods.

“That’s nice, and I think it’s what most people do. There’s nothing weird about enjoying movies. Although, do you see your niece much?”

I nod.

“I do, when I’m in town. Peony’s pretty adorable.”

Cammie grins and brightens. “Peony is the best! I love that kid.”

I nod, envisioning the curvy girl growing heavy with a child. She’d be beautiful swollen and pregnant with a baby inside, and the sudden fantasy has me stopping in my tracks. Am I really thinking these things? After all, I’m a confirmed bachelor, so these thoughts are certainly unexpected. Quickly, to cover my thoughts, I ask, “Do you think the new baby will be a boy or a girl?”

Cammie shakes her head.

“I have no idea. Caitlin wouldn’t say.” But then she turns to me and pins me with a look. “Oh my god, you know, don’t you?”

I smile smugly.

“Maybe. I’m Travis’s brother, after all.”

The pretty girl squeals.

“OMG you have to tell me! I can’t believe Caitlin told you, but not me.”

I hold my hands up.

“It wasn’t Cait, it was my brother, but I promised I wouldn’t breathe a word to anyone else.”

Cammie sniffs and smiles then.

“Okay, fine. But anyways, I think it’ll be a girl based on how Caitlin is carrying. At least, that’s what I read on the internet.”

I shrug.

“No comment.”

She squeals again, tugging at my arm.

“You have to tell me! OMG, I can’t believe you know while I don’t. Honestly, this is so unfair!”

I love having the beautiful woman cling to my arm, and resist the urge to swoop her up against my chest.

“Nope. You’re not going to get me. My lips are sealed.”

She merely laughs again, letting go, and now, I’m really tempted to tell her the sex of the unborn baby. But the curvy girl just giggles once more, and the conversation is easy and light as we finish off our plates. Our rapport is incredible, and she’s smart and funny, two things I never thought I’d find in a potential partner.

“So, I guess you probably have to get going,” Cammie finally says while drinking the last bit of her coffee.

I meet her eyes, eyebrows raised. “Why, do you want me to leave?”

She laughs, growing red.

“No, not at all. But didn’t you say you have a pressing travel schedule? I don’t want to get in your way.”

I pause for a moment. My itinerary has always been my out. Whenever women ask me for commitments, I just say something vague about work, and that usually ends the conversation.

But this time, I want things to be different.

“Actually, you’ve caught me at a good juncture. I have a ton of vacation I haven’t used yet, and the airline want me to take it before the holiday season starts. They’re begging me to use it, in fact, so that they’re fully-staffed through the Christmas season. So I’m actually going to be in Medina for a while.”

Cammie’s dumbstruck.

“Really?” she asks. “I thought for sure you’d be on another flight soon.”

I put my hand over hers, pulling her close.

“That would usually be the case, but this time it’s different. I’ve got plenty of time for you.”

Up close, I can see how her pupils dilate. She bites her lip, that pink pout puffy, and I’m so tempted to ravish her, right here right now. But I can tell that a woman like this will want more in the long run. The question is: am I ready to give it to Cammie? After all, our connection is undeniable, but am I prepared to stop playing the field in order to settle down?



* * *

“I hope you like this place,” I say as I pull my truck up to the Medina Aerospace Museum.

