Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 24429 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 122(@200wpm)___ 98(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 24429 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 122(@200wpm)___ 98(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)
Four more smacks in calmly paced succession.
Each spank hurt more than the last, and at the same time, brought me more and more peace. I knew my ass had to be screaming red. I could imagine the swollen hand prints from the force of Jesse’s blows, but somewhere in the brutal discipline I began to welcome the next blow as he took complete dominion over me.
The smacks came in rapid but controlled succession.
Like an exquisite new form of Chinese water torture.
Just enough time between them for you to breathe, and wait.I inhaled, and the tears came like the spring flood out of a long-frozen mountain peak, rushing to find the life-giving river below. Finally, I bellowed and raised my hips up to meet his hand, taking everything he could give me and demanding even more.
“Thank you,” there was a knot in my throat but I willed it to unravel so I could finish, “Daddy.”
And that is when it stopped.
My heart was racing like a gazelle being chased by a lion, but the lion had suddenly stopped the chase and the next move was mine.
The weight of his hand on the back of my neck twitched and loosened ever so slightly, and I took it as a sign it was all over, at least for now.
But I was wrong.
Maybe the pain of the spanking was over, but something else had just begun.
“Baby…” Jesse’s deep voice soothed my ears as my whimpering sobs slowed, and I clung to his legs like a frightened child to her protective father. “I never meant to hurt you. Back then. You were barely more than a kid. It was my fault. I should have never let it happen.”
The fierce voice was smooth, but full of remorse. If he only knew how much that moment had stayed with me, how much I clung to the feelings he had ignited in me that night.
After Jesse, everyone else paled into insignificance. I hadn't had a boyfriend. I hadn't had a one-night stand. The truth was, I hadn't even looked at another man since that night and I knew I never would. I loved him and resented him in equal measure, because I could never get over him.
Our bodies vibrated with tension as I lay over his knees, desperately trying to figure out who I was now and what to do next. Maybe it was a minute, maybe only a few seconds, I'm not sure, but Jesse took over just as he always had.
The warmth of his hand covered the throbbing pain on my upturned ass, and he just held it there for a long moment. Then the hand that encircled my neck loosened and grazed down my back, taking its place on the other blazing hot cheek of my throbbing behind.
“You’re okay, baby. Remember, I promised to take care of you, and you promised to trust me. And, you should know, I waited for you. Like, waited for you in every way. There was no one else. It was always you.”
There was nothing to say as my belly clenched and the power of my own desire began to trickle down the insides of my legs. As if by my own sheer force of will, I felt one of his hands lift slightly, following the curve of my bottom down to the back of my thigh, igniting a trail of sensual agony as it went.
He paused, almost as if to give me a moment to be sure I wanted what we both knew would come next. I answered his hand with the slightest shift of my hips, opening myself almost imperceptibly, but he felt it and I knew.
I inhaled deeply, holding onto that breath, waiting for an eternity, and finally the tips of his fingers moved, spinning lower, trailing the crease where my legs pressed together. Then he followed the line of my flesh upward, the gentle touch of his fingers leaving shivering goosebumps in its wake.
Then, there was the pause.
Oh, the fucking God-almighty pause.
The rough pads of his fingers stalled right there.
Two inches from the weeping slickness of my outer lips. Every cell in my body screamed for his touch, to open the floodgates and let every ounce of my desire out onto his fingers.
“God, please, Jesse…” I couldn’t help it. Convulsion-like spasms wracked my body. “Please.”
I whispered into the side of his flexed thigh like I was begging for my very life.
After ten lifetimes of held breaths, the pause ended.
There was the pressure of his thick fingers pushing upward, pushing through the softness of my inner thighs. Up, up, up, until my stuttered breathing turned into a gape-mouthed gasp, one solid convulsion raking through me as those solid, probing fingers found the place that was desperate for that connection.
Wetness spilled out of me as he explored in slow, delicate movements the tender folds and hair trigger nerve endings. My mind spun and spun.