Thank you Daddy – The Good Girls Read Online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 24429 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 122(@200wpm)___ 98(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)

Jesse’s hand pressed down on my back as his other came down.

Somehow, in a moment between the blows, I teetered on that knife’s edge, that thin space between pleasure and pain as the heat and stinging impact of the spanking wrenched through my body.

The thunder of his open palm against my soft flesh made my ass sing with the heat of the sun, then a strange base layer of comforting warmth gathered under the impact.

The sensation sunk through the fleshy layers, finding its home, wiggling its red fingers into my outer lips, teasing and tingling before the next impact.

Smack. I sucked all the air from the room. Popping my lips together to hold it inside.

When I could hold my breath no more, I took huge gulps and gasps between sobs as Jesse’s heavy hand took point on top of my welted ass, creating a connection deeper than our history or the fact that my upturned ass was across his lap.

“It’s okay,” he said, and those simple words opened up parts of me I wanted to keep hidden forever.

All the fight left me as though his voice and the hand on my ass was relieving me of all my shame and fear.

“Why?” It was all I could manage, unsure even what I was asking. There were so many ‘Why’s’ in my short life, and I knew he didn’t have the answers, but somehow I felt if I gave him the questions, I wouldn’t even need the answers anymore.

In the deepest, most sacred part of my soul, I knew that he would take care of me as he promised. And it didn't matter if I refused it, it didn't matter if I fought against him. In that moment, I knew Jesse was going to love me and keep me safe, for the rest of my life, with my permission or without it.

“Kat?” My name felt like a hug coming from his lips. That warmth inside me turned from angry flames to honey, dripping and sticky and sweet.


“You just need to trust me.” There was a restraint in his voice. A tension I had never heard before, and my heart clenched somewhere between grief and bliss.

“Okay,” I said, accepting whatever he was going to give. Whatever he was going to do.

“Whatever I say, you have to trust me. I’m going to take care of you, you just have to let me. Tell me you promise.”

I was so tired. Tired in my body, tired in my heart and my soul. Tired in my mind.

There was no one else, nothing else to rely on. I was spent, and I needed someone to show me the way out of the darkness and back into the light.

“Yes, I promise. Please, just help me. I’m so lost.” The tears overflowed as I spoke. I was overcome by the deep depression that always overtook me the morning after I drank myself into oblivion. It was a place from which I wasn't sure I could any longer lift myself out. I desperately needed his help.

Powerful arms lifted me up and onto his lap as he pulled my head against his shoulder, and the tears came without any noise, but flowed like rain down my cheeks. But sitting there, I realized something else had happened as Jesse’s hand stung and reddened my skin.

I was wet.

Like... soaking, pounding, throbbing, screaming to be fucked kind of wet.

“Say, thank you.” He half growled and the strange demand only served to add to the warm flood streaming from my body. “Say it, say thank you.”

“Thank you.” I mumbled, unsure what I was thankful for, but knowing I was.

There was a desperate part of me that wanted to tear off that fucking white t-shirt and beg him to fuck me as I pressed myself against his shoulder. But I was also feeling vulnerable, and self-conscious. Sitting there with no panties and my jeans pulled half down my legs did not make me feel sexy. It made me feel embarrassed. My full, round hips and not-so-flat tummy were on full display, and I knew if I stood up there was sure to be evidence of my soaking sex on his pants.

As he shifted me in his arms, my heart began to thunder like gazelle on the stampede.

“Time to go.” The deep timbre of his voice vibrated in his chest, somehow connected directly to my womb that answered with a corresponding throb.

I pushed my hands down into my lap, trying to cover myself, but nodded, breathing in his scent and enjoying the sensation of his stubbled jaw against my forehead.

“You’re going to learn to live without panties. Just so you know, I decide from now on, panties or no panties, got it?” He gently pushed me to stand, turning his head slightly to the side as I pulled my jeans up and over my naked lower half.

