Tempt – Cloverleigh Farms Read Online Melanie Harlow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Forbidden, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 92140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)

Zach had listened to me prattle on about it while he measured my living room ceiling and doorways with a tape measure so we’d know what size tree would fit. We’d had plenty of leftovers from the night before for dinner, so we warmed them up and ate sitting at the kitchen table again. Afterward, we did the dishes together and went upstairs, and it struck me how normal this felt. How sweet and ordinary—and yet it thrilled me to the bone.

This is what it could be like, I thought. And it’s exactly what I want.

When the tree was all wrapped up and tied to the roof of my car, we hit the road for home. The ride was about ninety minutes, since I’d chosen a farm way outside town in order to avoid the odds we’d run into anyone I knew. But I didn’t mind the extra hours spent with him—it was dark and cold and snowy outside, but the interior of my car was warm and cozy, and Zach’s hand rested on my lap. I’d vowed to stay in the moment, focus on the present, and let myself enjoy what time we had left.

Let my heart play pretend.

We were approaching town when I remembered I didn’t have a tree stand.

Zach groaned. “I asked you yesterday, and you said you did.”

“I’m sorry, I forgot that it broke and I threw it out. We can just hit the hardware store in town. I’ll go in alone.” I directed him to the store, and he pulled into a parking spot in the lot out front.

“I’ll be right back,” I said, unbuckling my seatbelt.

He put a hand on my leg. “I hate that I can’t go in there with you.”

“Zach, it’s just a tree stand. They’re not very heavy.” I flexed my bicep. “I work out, remember?”

“It’s not that. I just . . . want to do things for you. And there aren’t that many things I can do.”

I put my mittened hands on either side of his face, leaned over, and lightly kissed his lips. “You’re a sweetheart.”

“Will you at least let me pay for it?”

“No! You already bought the tree.” I patted his cheek. “I’ll be out in a minute. You stay here and don’t talk to anyone.”

He clenched his jaw and stared straight ahead, one wrist draped over the steering wheel. I grabbed my purse and hopped out of the car, humming a Christmas tune as I hurried into the store. After asking an employee where I might find a tree stand, I was directed to the seasonal section at the back of the store. I was looking for stands when I heard someone say my name.


I looked up and saw Winnie’s best friend Ellie Fournier and her fiancé Gianni Lupo coming toward me. Over his thick gray sweater, Gianni was wearing a baby sling on his chest with their two-month-old daughter, Claudia, in it.

I smiled. “Hi, guys. How’s it going?”

“Good.” Ellie was pushing a cart with some holiday decorations in it. “Just doing some shopping since Gianni had a night off and the baby has decided she only likes falling asleep when someone is wearing her and walking around.”

“I don’t mind.” Gianni grinned and patted the baby’s butt through the wrap. “I like it, actually.”

I peeked at her little face. “Ohhh, she’s so sweet,” I whispered. “Look at those eyelashes.”

“You should see her eyes when they’re open,” said Gianni. “Prettiest blue eyes you’ve ever seen. Aside from yours, of course,” he added, leaning over to give Ellie a kiss on the cheek.

Ellie laughed. “Of course. So what brings you out?” she asked me.

“I’m looking for a tree stand. I got a tree today.”

“Nice.” Gianni smiled. “We’re planning to do that soon too.”

“I hear your new shop is coming along,” Ellie said. “Winnie talks about it nonstop. I can’t wait to come in and see it.”

“Come any time,” I said. “I’d love to show you around.”

The baby started to fuss, and Gianni bounced her a little, swaying back and forth and making gentle shushing noises. Ellie looked on appreciatively. “Turns out, Gianni is like the baby whisperer. Who’d have thought?”

“Not me.” He grinned. “I had no idea how much I’d love being a dad. But it’s the best.”

Envy squeezed my heart as I gave them a little wave. “Well, I won’t keep you. Nice seeing you—the baby is beautiful.”

“Thanks. Bye, Millie.”

They passed me by and I moved up the aisle, finally locating the tree stands. But instead of grabbing one off the shelf, I stood there for a moment, fighting sadness.

You’re being ridiculous, I told myself as tears blurred the red, green, and white boxes in front of me. Are you going to cry every time you see a new family? After a couple deep breaths, I picked a tree stand I hoped would work and went up front to pay for it.

