Tempt – Cloverleigh Farms Read Online Melanie Harlow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Forbidden, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 92140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)

“They were fancy!” Winnie laughed and flipped the page. “We wanted to be fancy. Oh, look at them.”

We studied the photo of our dad and Frannie, dressed in their wedding day attire, standing on the edge of the vineyard at Cloverleigh Farms. They were chest to chest, but Frannie was smiling at the camera and our dad was looking down at her, an expression of wonder and love and protectiveness on his face. Gooseflesh blanketed my arms. “That was such a happy day.”

“I hope my wedding is as beautiful as theirs,” said Winnie with a sigh.

“I’m sure it will be.” Hoping I sounded casual, I asked, “Think you’ll get married at Cloverleigh Farms?”

“Honestly, I don’t even care where it takes place. I just want it to be Dex at the end of the aisle.” She actually looked concerned that it might not play out that way.

I took another sip of wine. “Why wouldn’t it be? I thought everything was going well.”

“It is,” she said. “But we used to talk about the future more than we have been lately. It was more of an abstract thing, though . . . maybe the literal thing, the actually getting married, is too scary.”

“I don’t think you need to worry, Win,” I said, being careful not to give anything away. “Everyone can see the way he looks at you.”

“How does he look at me?”

“Like that,” I said, pointing to the photo of our dad and Frannie. “Exactly like that.”

Winnie’s face lit up, and I felt the slightest twinge of envy. Would anyone ever look at me that way? I took another swallow of my wine.

“So everything went well last night?” Winnie asked, closing the book and hugging it to her chest.

“Yes,” I said, dropping my eyes into my wine glass.

“Was Zach there?”

“Um, yeah. He was there.” Another hurried sip.

Winnie cocked her head. “And?”

“And what?”

“Did you talk to him?”

I could feel my face heat up. “A little. Not much.”

“Well, was it—” She stopped and gasped. “Oh my God.”

“What?” I looked at her and watched her eyes light up with mischief, her jaw fall open.

“You guys did it again,” she whispered.

My cheeks were on fire. “We did not.”

“You did too!” she practically yelled, causing Audrey to look over at us.

“Come here.” Setting my wine glass aside, I stood up and gestured for her to follow me. Leaving the photo album on the chair, she trailed me up the stairs to the second-floor landing. Peeking around her to make sure we hadn’t been followed, I grabbed her sleeve and pulled her into my old bedroom, which was now the guest room. I shut the door and spun around to face her.

She was grinning ear to ear.

“Shhhhhh!” I admonished, as if she’d spoken.

“I didn’t say anything!”

“You were thinking it.”

“Am I wrong? Did you and Zach not hook up last night?”

I hesitated too long.

“You so did,” she said, clapping her hands with each word. “I can tell just by looking at you. So how was it? As good as the first time?”

My mouth opened to argue with her, but I gave up. “It was even better.”

She squealed, covering her mouth with her hands.

“Be quiet!” I glanced at the closed door. “I don’t want anyone to hear you.”

But just then, the door opened, and Felicity appeared. “What are you guys doing up here? Dinner is ready.”

“Millie slept with her ex’s dad again,” Winnie said breathlessly.

“Winnie!” I glared at her. “This is why I didn’t want anyone to know!”

“What, it’s not like you were going to keep it from us,” she pointed out. “You tell us everything.”

“You can’t tell anyone else,” I told her. “I mean it.”

She zipped her lips.

“So it happened?” Felicity leaned back against the door and blinked at me.

“Yes. Last night.”

“After the wedding?”

“Yes. And . . .” I hesitated to reveal more, but I was dying to confess.

“And what?” Winnie squeaked.

“And during.”

“During!” both my sisters shouted at once.

“I need more.” Winnie made come here motions with both hands. “Give me everything.”

“I was taking a break in my office during the reception, and he wandered in there by mistake—he needed a break too. It was a lot for him, being introduced as the father of the groom all night. He was overwhelmed.”

“Does he know about the baby?” Felicity asked.

Winnie stared at her. “What baby?”

“Lori is pregnant,” Felicity said. “I saw it on social media this afternoon.”

I nodded. “Yes. He knows. And he’s feeling sensitive about it.”

“I don’t blame him.” Winnie started to laugh. “He’s going to be a—”

“Don’t say it,” I warned her, raising one finger.

“But Mills, it’s too good,” she said, the giggle fit overtaking her. “You’re banging a—”

“Don’t say it!” I yelled, putting my hand over her mouth like Zach had done to me this morning.

Swatting my arm away, Winnie flopped back onto the bed and kicked her feet with glee, her eyes watering. “Why? Because you guys never made any jokes about me having a crush on Dad when you found out Dex was a single father who’d been in the military?”

