Tempt – Cloverleigh Farms Read Online Melanie Harlow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Forbidden, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 92140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)

“I don’t know for sure. He just sensed the tension, I guess. I don’t know Mason that well, but maybe he’s really perceptive.”

“He is.” She twisted her hands together. “What did you say?”

“I said the only thing I could say—nothing happened.”

Millie looked relieved, her shoulders loosening. “Okay. Good.”

“He told me that he’s spent much of his life searching for truth and feeling like things were being hidden from him.” I took another drink.

“His mom,” said Millie quietly. “It must be so hard for him that his mother kept you a secret. They were close.”

“In one of our first conversations, he mentioned something about working toward forgiveness.” For a moment, I wondered if I was betraying Mason’s confidence by sharing this information with Millie, but I wanted her to understand that if the stakes were anything less than earning my son’s trust and respect, I would have loved to spend time with her again. “I think reaching out to me, establishing a connection, is part of that.”

“Of course.”

“He said how much honesty means to him, how glad he is that I’ve been open with him.” I closed my eyes. “I just couldn’t bring myself to take that away from him. I don’t want him to think I’m—I’m—just some asshole who doesn’t care about honor or responsibility or blood ties.”

Millie put a hand on my arm. “I get it, Zach.”

“It probably sounds fucking stupid, but one of the things he initially told me was that when he was growing up, he asked his mother if his father had been a good guy. And her answer was, I thought so at the time.” I shook my head. “I don’t know if it was true then. But I’d like it to be true now.”

“It is true now. And it doesn’t sound stupid at all.” She rubbed my bicep before taking her hand off me. “I think we both need to put Mason’s feelings first, and that means keeping what happened between us to ourselves.”

“Not that we did anything wrong,” I said quickly.

“No, but I don’t need to prove that point by telling people I slept with my ex-boyfriend’s dad before I knew who he was.” She laughed a little. “God. It sounds so ridiculous.”

“It does.” The memories heated my blood even now. “But it sure was fun.”

Her eyes met mine, and she blushed. “It was.”

“And if the circumstances were anything other than what they are,” I said quietly, “I’d want to do it all over again tonight.”

The pink in her cheeks deepened. “How long are you in town?”

“I leave Monday.” I focused on my drink for a moment, turning the glass in my hand. “I’ve thought about you a lot.”

“I’ve done the same,” she whispered, as if it were an awful secret. “I almost called you a couple times.”

I tossed back the rest of my cocktail, refusing to let my brain imagine what those phone calls might have entailed. “I guess it’s good that you didn’t.”


Setting the glass on the bar, I turned to her, determined to do the right thing. “Well, Millie MacAllister, it was nice to see you again.”

“You too.” She offered me her hand, and I took it, holding it a little longer than was polite.

I kept my voice low. “You’re as beautiful as I remembered. Maybe even more so.”

The color in her face deepened and her long, thick lashes swept down. “Thank you.”

I couldn’t resist kissing her cheek. After pressing my lips to her soft, warm skin, I put my mouth near her ear and whispered, “I know it’s wrong, but I can’t leave without kissing you.”

She inhaled sharply.

I straightened up and let go of her hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”



As soon as I was sure Zach was off the premises, I texted Winnie and Felicity.

Emergency! Emergency!

Who is available for wine at my house?

Winnie replied first.

Shoot! I’m helping with a wine tasting at Abelard until 8. Can I come then? I’ll bring a bottle.

While I was typing a response to her, Felicity chimed in.

I am! Hutton left for a business trip this afternoon and my catering gig was an afternoon thing. I’ll bring some snacks.

Perfect. I’ll see you guys there in 20.

Winnie sent another text.

What’s the emergency?

Felicity sent a row of arrows pointing up at Winnie’s question.

It’s too much to explain over text. But have either of you ever accidentally slept with someone’s dad?

Felicity answered first.

Um… no.

Then Winnie.

I slept with Hallie and Luna’s dad. But that was on purpose. Whose dad did you sleep with????

Another row of arrows from Felicity.

I’ll tell you when you get here. But remember that thing I said about being cursed? IT. IS. TRUE.

Winnie ended up getting off work a little earlier than expected, picked up Felicity at her house, and they arrived together. Felicity had catering bags filled with food she’d made testing out recipes over the last couple days, and Winnie carried two bottles of wine from Abelard Vineyards, where she worked.

