Tempt – Cloverleigh Farms Read Online Melanie Harlow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Forbidden, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 92140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)

“Wow, really?” Lori smiled at us. “What a coincidence.”

“So then you introduced yourselves?” Mason still appeared off-balance.

“Yes,” I said, moving slightly away from Zach. I could sense his nearness as if his body was radiating heat. “I offered to buy him a drink to say thank you, but he wouldn’t let me.”

“No thanks were necessary,” Zach said with a shrug of those shoulders I’d seen naked. “I was just glad she wasn’t offended that I stepped in.”

“You probably couldn’t help it,” said Lori. “Being a Navy SEAL and a bodyguard and all. If you see someone that needs protection, you just jump in and do it. Gut reaction.”

“Right.” Zach glanced at me. “It was a gut reaction.”

“And then what?” asked Mason.

“We chatted for a moment and that was it,” I said, wishing I was a better liar. I wasn’t as awful as Winnie, but I wasn’t an expert either. “I had an early flight the next morning, so I went off to bed.”

Zach nodded shortly, as if he’d done the same.

“When was this again?” Mason’s eyes moved back and forth between us.

“Uh, early September?” I tried to play it off like I wasn’t sure, when I knew for a fact it had been four weeks and two days.

“And you never put it together? The connection?” Mason almost sounded suspicious. Or maybe that was my nerves.

“Nope,” I said, risking a glance at Zach. “I actually don’t even think we told each other where we lived.”

“It was a short conversation,” agreed Zach. “Just the one drink.”

“Wait, I thought you turned down the drink.” Mason looked at Zach. “Because no thanks were necessary.”

Zach and I exchanged another look. “He turned down my offer to pay for it,” I clarified. “He insisted on paying.”

“So you did have a drink together,” Mason said.

“Yes. Just one.” I felt heat in my cheeks and knew I looked like a kid who’d been caught stealing. “And then we said goodnight.”

“Too funny,” Lori said, her delighted grin in stark contrast to Mason’s uncertain expression. “Well, I think this is great. Zach thought he wouldn’t know anyone here, and now he already has a friend. Millie, you should join us for dinner.”

“Oh no, I really can’t,” I protested. “But thank you for asking. Is everyone here? Should we go over to the barn and walk through the ceremony?”

“Everyone’s here,” she confirmed. “But are you sure you can’t make it to dinner? Mason, tell her to come.”

“You should come,” Mason said, and maybe this was only in my head, but his tone lacked its usual warmth.

“Thanks, but I can’t tonight. I’m—I’m having dinner with my dad.” I gestured over my shoulder. “He’s already here waiting for me. I mean, he works here. He’s the CFO. He’s—he’s my dad.” My babbling made no sense whatsoever, but Zach’s eyes on me were too much to handle and Mason’s weirdness was making me sweat. “Okay, then, should we go?”

Without waiting for an answer, I turned and walked for the back door that led to the path toward the barn. As soon as my back was to them, I closed my eyes and concentrated on staying upright.

Knowing Zach was watching me from behind made my legs tremble.



Goddamn, she was beautiful.

What was it about her that took all the oxygen from a room? Not to mention the way she sent blood rushing to my crotch. The sight of her brought back memories that caused my cock to surge.

But I couldn’t let on.

Immediately I’d seen how flustered Millie was, how uneasy Mason appeared, and my instinct to protect kicked in. I thought I’d done a good enough job smoothing things over—just the one error about the drink, and Millie had corrected course there.

Now, as I walked behind her, admiring those curves I’d been dreaming about since the night we’d met, I thought how fucked-up this situation was. She was Mason’s ex-girlfriend? What were the chances?

It was easy to see how we didn’t put it together—I didn’t even know she was from Michigan, let alone that she was a wedding planner. And she’d had no idea I had a newly found adult son getting married. A guy that she’d dated. A guy that she’d slept with.


I’d wanted to see her again. But not like this.

Even as my gut turned over, I hurried past her to get the door, and she murmured her thanks without making eye contact as she moved through it. Remaining in place, I held the door for everyone else. Mason and Lori were last, and we walked together toward the barn.

“Thank goodness the rain stopped, but it’s chilly, isn’t it?” Lori rubbed her arms and hurried ahead. “I’ll meet you guys in there!”

Mason and I walked shoulder to shoulder. I sensed his discomfort but didn’t know what to make of it.

“So it’s weird that you met Millie before,” he said.

