Tartlet (Turf Wars #4) Read Online Bella Jewel

Categories Genre: Biker, Contemporary, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Turf Wars Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 63139 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 316(@200wpm)___ 253(@250wpm)___ 210(@300wpm)

“Oh, sorry. Doris, this is Gabby. Gabby, this is Doris. The town gossip and excellent advice giver. Do not ask for said advice unless you want the god honest brutal truth.”

Doris shakes her head. “Don’t listen to her, dear. I keep to myself. I’m just here for the cake. I overheard you’re working at the garage?”

I nod. “Yep, but they’re not making it easy. The whole being a girl thing and all ...”

“When I was in middle school,” Doris begins, “there was a group of boys who didn’t want me on their sports team, but I was passionate. I got so angry when they fought to have me removed, that I put superglue in every single one of their jockstraps. You’ve never seen anything funnier than all of them trying to figure out why they couldn’t get them off.”

“Oh my god!” Eve laughs. “Doris, that could have caused long term damage.”

“It was only a drop or two, dear, and they were all fine. What really could have caused long term damage is them kicking me out because I was a girl.”

“I like you,” I say with a nod. “I think I want to be you when I grow up.”

“Get the Botox now then, dear. You don’t want these wrinkles ruining your chances with the gentleman. They don’t like the saggy skin, not now all these women have those big, perky breasts. I asked if I could get perky breasts a few years ago and my doctor told me it’s just too late for me now, there’s so much skin he’d be in there for an entire day.”

I laugh. “You’re great just as you are. You’ve also given me an idea.”

Poppy grins. “Do share.”

“I’m going to need you all to help me, are you in?”

“Hell yes!” Ramona claps. “I’m so freakin’ in.”

“Ah, yes, it has been too long since I’ve pulled an epic prank. They deserve it after what they did to you today.”

“Take me,” Doris says, sipping her coffee. “I do love a good revenge plot.”

Eve shakes her head. “Doris, you’re way too big mouthed. You’ll tell everyone before we even finish.”

Doris feigns a gasp. “Eve, dear, I thought you liked me.”

Eve grins. “I love you, Doris, but you’re not coming.”

“Fine,” she huffs. “I’ll stay here and grow my skin collection by eating more of these muffins.”

I laugh. “Right, gather round, this is going to be epic.”




“IT’S GOING TO TAKE a while,” I say, handing them all a roll of fishing line and a pair of scissors each, “but it’s going to be worth it when they come in tomorrow.”

Eve grins. “This is epic. I don’t care how long it takes, the look on their faces is going to be priceless.”

“This’ll teach them, no doubt about it.” Ramona looks at the pile of spanners, wrenches, screw drivers and tools I’ve got ready to be hung from the ceiling.

Yes, we’re going to hang each and every one of their tools from the ceiling with fishing wire. We’re using the car hoists to get us up high enough and we’re going to hang each and every item separately. It’s going to take a while, but my god, when they come in tomorrow, they’re going to bust a top.

I can’t wait.

“You’re genius, this is the best plan ever,” Poppy grins.

“You’re not climbing on a hoist, you can do all the tying,” Eve orders her, pointing a finger. “We can’t have you falling off and hurting that baby.”

Poppy frowns. “Oh come on, those hoists hold cars. I’m fine!”

“Nope.” Eve shakes her head. “You’re going to tie them all so we can hang them. Get to it.”

Poppy mutters something and then starts picking up each tool and tying it before handing it to one of us. We get to work, taking a bunch of the tools up at a time, hanging them anywhere we can get them and then coming down for another load. It takes us a good three hours, but by the time we’re done, the garage looks freaking hilarious. Every single thing that can be hung, is now dangling from the ceiling.

“This is epic.” Eve laughs. “My god, I want to be here when they walk in tomorrow.”

“Riggs is going to kill you.” Poppy laughs. “Considering you’re the one who stole his key to get in.”

Eve shrugs. “Eh, he’ll only get so mad. He loves me too much.”

“I’m the one who’ll get into the most trouble.” Poppy grins, clapping her hands together. “Beckett is still moody and all over the place. He’ll probably take it out on me the most.”

“Ugh, he’s still being dicky?” Ramona asks.

Poppy shrugs. “I mean, no, not in a mean way. He’s just moody, it has been quite a road for us, but we’re getting better. He cares about me, that much is clear, but you know, we didn’t get together in the most conventional way.”

