Taken (#1) Read Online Jordan Silver Free Books Novels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: What A Girl Wants Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 11
Estimated words: 12416 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 62(@200wpm)___ 50(@250wpm)___ 41(@300wpm)

On the way in the jeep she kept fiddling with the radio I was pretty sure she was trying to get a rise out of me but I concentrated on my driving and ignored her ass. Our first stop was for groceries, she kept picking up stupid shit and giving me looks under her lashes to se my reaction, I had none. The three boxes of sugary cereal and the bags of marshmallows and cookies and whatever the hell else she threw into the cart just stayed there as I picked up what I needed.

“Why do you eat like an old man I mean you’re what forty? That’s old but not that old.” The little sweetheart knew damn well I was only thirty-five because we’d had that conversation only the day before while she’d been playing with my cock as she played twenty questions. If she thought implying that my ass was old would get me riled up she was in for a shock. As old as I was I still put a hurting on her young pussy and she still kept coming back for more in fact instead of me having to seek her out and take her as I’d first thought would be the case she’d been the one more often than not seeking me for cock. Now here she was implying I was an old man.

Of course I ignored her question as I kept pushing the cart until I had everything I needed, at the register I took my stuff out and paid while leaving her crap in the cart. She stood there fuming all because she hadn’t gotten the desired reaction from me. I guess she thought I was her parents who were afraid to put a foot wrong with their little angel less they upset the apple cart. What she didn’t know is that she was working her way into trouble.

Next stop was the pharmacy, I’d been fucking her non-stop without protection and it was only the second day that I’d stopped to ask her about her periods, so far I think we were safe but maybe we shouldn’t take any more chances. I hated the thought of anything between us though but whatever.

“Hey lover.” The voice coming out of nowhere brought me out of my thoughts, I looked up to see Pamela Sue, one of my cum dumps standing there all smiles. Shit, how had I forgotten this fuckery? I had three or four like-minded women in town who were more than happy to spread for me when I got the urge, which was quite often. I was pretty sure the girls compared notes and knew about each other but since there was no commitment between any of us there were never any hard feelings that I could tell. An eighteen-year-old girl that I’d just deflowered was a whole other story though as was evident by the look on her face.

Pamela Sue had walked up by this point and was running her finger down my chest this was not good. I eased away from her as I kept my eyes over her shoulder on the young girl who watched me with wounded eyes, fuck.

“Hey Pammy I’m in the middle of something right now why don’t I call you later?”

“So you are coming by tonight? It’s our night you know unless you forgot.”

“No I won’t be coming by tonight.”

“Oh pooh how come, you know I miss your…”

“Later.” I walked away before she could finish her sentence condoms forgotten as I grabbed Nikki’s hand and pulled her outside, she looked like she was ready to hyperventilate. Shit how could I have been such a thoughtless dick?

I led her to the truck and belted her in before heading around to the driver’s side, she was still as a stone as I turned the key in the ignition and took us home.

When we reached the house she ran inside and slammed the door, I took my time unloading the groceries wishing now I’d gotten her all that sugary crap she’d wanted, maybe then I wouldn’t feel like such a bastard for what had just happened.

I found her in her room with her stuff strewn all over the bed.

“What’re you doing Nikki?”

“I’m leaving what does it look like asshole?” Wow I think that’s the first time I’ve heard her use that language except for when I was balls deep in her pussy and she was begging me to fuck her harder.

“Put them away you’re not going anywhere.” She ignored me and kept throwing her stuff into a bag.

“Nikki did you hear me?”

“Fuck you asshole I hate you.” I saw the tears threatening to fall and took a deep breath. “I’m not going to her baby.”

“But you have, it’s not fair.”

What the hell was she talking about what wasn’t fair? Fuck if I know how teenaged girls think.

“Nikki I didn’t know you.”

“But you’ll go back to her when I’m gone, I hate you.” She threw a shirt or some shit at me as the tears started falling, I was across the room with her in my arms as she beat against my chest and cried her little heart out. What the fuck was I supposed to say to that? It was true that when she left I would most likely go back to fucking the others, I don’t know, I didn’t know what the fuck I was gonna do about her leaving I’m still working that shit out in my head. I did know her tears were fucking with me though.

“Baby stop come on, you’ll make yourself sick.” The more I talked the louder she wailed and I had no idea what the fuck to do. I sat down and kept her in my lap rocking her until her tears subsided and she quieted down. When I was sure she was asleep and the crisis was over for now I laid her down on the bed and covered her up before heading back out of the room. I ran my hand over my head as I tried to figure out what the hell we were gonna do, this shit had not been in my plans, I did not foresee me fucking the teenage daughter of a friend and having feelings for her, this shit was FUBAR, my dick had finally got me in trouble.

