Sweet Collateral Read Online L.P. Lovell

Categories Genre: Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance, Tear Jerker Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 180
Estimated words: 170747 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 854(@200wpm)___ 683(@250wpm)___ 569(@300wpm)

Her breasts strain against the material of her shirt with every breath and with each passing second I become more aware of her. The air crackles between us and the heat from her body leaches into me, driving out this cold that seems to have lingered since she left. The steel of her blade bites into my skin and warm blood wells, trickling down my throat. The hardness in her eyes wavers for just a second, and she swallows heavily. I should have more control around her, but I can’t help myself.

My lips to brush hers in a feather-light kiss. She leans into me, just a fraction, a tiny movement, but it’s all I need. I slam my mouth over hers, forcing my tongue past her lips. She stills for a second, the knife dragging dangerously over my skin, but I don’t care. Maybe I’m willing to die for a taste of her. One last time. She bites me hard enough to draw blood, and I pull back. She takes the opportunity to shove me away from her before rolling off the desk. Blood wells in my mouth and I spit it on the floor as I glance at her. Her eyes are wild, lips tinged red.

“I will make you bleed if I have to, Rafael. Do not get in my way.” On a smirk, I swipe my hand over my mouth, wiping away blood. I can feel the steady trickle still gliding over my neck from her knife.

“Then you leave me no choice, avecita. Carlos!”

The door opens and Carlos steps inside. “Escort Anna to a room, she’s going to be our guest for a little while.”

Carlos takes Anna’s arm, but she yanks it away from him. He stills suddenly, and it’s then that I see Una behind him, a gun rammed into the back of his skull. “Tsk, tsk, I thought you were smarter than this, Rafael. My sister and I are leaving.”

“You are free to leave. Anna is not.”

Una smirks. “Careful, Mexican. You cannot afford another war. I thought Nero called ahead.”

“He did, and he warned me not to detain you. You are free to leave, as long as you do not involve yourself in my business.”

Una rams the gun harder into Carlos’ head. “I am fast losing patience with your little cartel. Anna, come.”

Anna steps toward her sister, and I shift closer to the door. “You’re outnumbered, Una.” She is not taking Anna. Truthfully, if she’s going to insist on being in Mexico, then I have no choice but to guard her because out there, she’s nothing but a weakness for my enemies to exploit. She may be tougher and stronger than before, but she is not Una. She’s not invincible by any means.

“Am I? We can put that to the test if you like?” Una tilts her head to the side, twisting her gun with the motion. “Personally, I’d have thought you would be more concerned with keeping your men alive. Dominges seems to have left you short. I’ll count to three.” Una drawls as though bored with this entire exchange. “One.”

Anna’s gaze darts frantically from me to her sister. “Rafael…” she says quietly.


Anna and I stare at each other and I can predict her next move. She isn’t going to let her sister shoot Carlos. I know her. At least I hope I still do.


“Stop!” Anna steps in front of her sister, pushing the gun away from Carlos’ head. “Stop,” she says more quietly. Una stares at her and the tension in the room ratchets. I can see her thinking through her next plan, and that’s always worrying, given who and what Una is. The ringing of a phone cuts the silence in the room. Una reaches into her back pocket and takes out her phone, placing it to her ear.

“Capo, I’m a little busy…” She listens, her expression growing icier with each passing second. “Fuck your politics, Nero.” She finally hangs up and cracks her neck to the side, looking at me. “You aren’t going to let Anna go.”

“I can’t.”

“So be it.” She raises her gun only slightly and pulls the trigger. There’s a bang, and Carlos drops to the floor. My heart leaps into my throat, and I palm my gun, ready to take her out.

“Stop it!” Anna shouts. I tear my gaze from Carlos’ downed form to Una, but it’s no longer Una standing in my line of sight, it’s Anna. Shielding me from her sisters gun pointed in my direction.

“Una, just…go.”

“I’m not leaving you here.”

“They won’t hurt me. Just go. I’ll talk to Rafe, and I’ll call you.” Una’s gaze swings to me, a venomous glare on her face.”

“You have twenty-four hours to return my sister. After that, I come back, and I won’t be alone.” She lets the warning hang between us before she hands Anna the gun in her hand. And then she turns and walks out of the room.

