Sully (Henchmen MC Next Generation #13) Read Online Jessica Gadziala

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Henchmen MC Next Generation Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 75478 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 377(@200wpm)___ 302(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)


Her arm snaked across my chest, fingers resting softly on my shoulder. Then, even more alarmingly, her leg cocked up over my hip, her knee damn near brushing my hard cock even as I got completely distracted by the heat of her against my hip.

It could be so easy.

I could just turn on my side, slide down my pants, pull off hers, then just slip right inside of her, rocking into her as soft and sweet—or hard and fast—as she wanted.


That certainly wasn’t helping the matter.

Hell, I didn’t even need to be inside of her then. I could just rub against her and I’d be coming.

I couldn’t think of the last time I was so damn needy so fast, so close to losing control. If anything, I prided myself on my control with women, my ability to hold myself back so things could go as long as we wanted.

This was some bizarre shit.

I was about to just roll onto my other side, face and cock smushed up against the wall, when Bonnie’s phone blared from the nightstand, making her body jerk violently.

Her leg totally slid across the side of my cock in her movement, but she was so out of it that I was pretty sure she didn’t even notice as she flipped to her other side and grabbed her phone.

“Court?” she said, answering the question I had as I slid to the end of the bed, curling forward over my lap to hide my problem from view. “What time is it?” Bonnie asked, voice thick from sleep. “Five? Is everything… okay,” she said, then stopped to listen to whatever her boss was saying.

I took the opportunity to move off the bed and into the bathroom.

It was probably creepy as fuck to do it with her on the other side of the door, but I yanked down my pants and wrapped my hand around my length, stroking hard and fast, knowing there would be no rationalizing with my hard-on right then. I just had to rub one out so I could get on with my day. Hopefully without my body getting ideas about Bonnie again.

That was the last fucking thing she needed when she’d begun to see me as a safe person, someone she could let in.

I leaned back against the door, annoyed by my own need to hear her soft voice as she spoke on the phone while I drove myself up, then right to the edge in no time at all.

I came hard enough that the door became necessary to hold myself up at how weak my damn legs got.

I was aware then that Bonnie was quiet in the other room, so I cleaned up, washed my hands, and brushed my teeth before making my way back out.

“Everything alright?” I asked.

“I am on forced leave,” Bonnie said with a little eye roll. But the looseness in her shoulders told me that she was actually relieved.

That maybe she wanted to stay here.

With me.


That was ridiculous.

Pure wishful thinking.

She’d told me herself that work was her happy place, that she loved being there.

If there was any relief on her part, it was likely because she was playing down her head injury. Or she was simply terrified to be outside the walls of the compound, given what happened to her.

It damn sure wasn’t about me.

“Oh, yeah? For how long?”

“Courtney said a week. But it could be longer if she decides I’m not ready to be back.”

“It’s probably good to take it easy for a few days with your bumped noggin,” I told her. “And I’m sure your boss can handle things. It is her business, after all.”

“Yeah,” Bonnie agreed. “I just feel bad, I guess.”

“Nothing to feel bad about. This happened to you. I should be the one feeling guilty.” And I did. But I had a feeling Bonnie would overthink that if I told her. “I did have an idea for getting out of the clubhouse today, though,” I told her, watching the tension return to her shoulders.


“To go get some stuff from your place,” I told her, watching the conflicting emotions play out across her face. Because she wanted to stay holed up here. But she was clearly very attached to her things. “Just a quick trip. But we’re gonna bring a few of the guys to hang out in the car and hallway, just for extra precaution.”

“Okay,” she agreed, nodding. “I can be really quick.”

“Or take as long as you need,” I said. “I’m gonna go get some coffee. Want something?”

“Coffee sounds good?”

“Cream and sugar? Maybe a little extra?” I asked because, from my experience, everyone wanted their coffee a little sweeter and lighter than they would openly admit.

“Yes, please,” she said, eyes warm.

“And if I’m not mistaken, that is Dezi’s voice,” I said as I got closer to the door. “Which means there’s gonna be some sort of sweets out there.”

