Stripped Bare (Vegas Billionaire #1) Read Online Heidi McLaughlin

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Vegas Billionaire Series by Heidi McLaughlin

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 78255 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 391(@200wpm)___ 313(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

“Miss Webster.” Mr. Cordova greets me with a smile.

“Hello, Mr. Cordova. Thank you again for the lovely dance.”

“You’re welcome. Shall we take another spin before the night is over?”

“I look forward to it.”

He places his hand on my back and I tense, trying to disguise my uneasiness with a laugh. With Mr. Cordova motioning for me to walk with him, I’m left with two choices: do as he’s pushing because he’s definitely not asking or remove his hand and potentially hurt Finn’s chances.

I don’t know when my decisions became about Finn, but I choose to walk with Mr. Cordova.

“How long have you known Finn?”

“For about ten years,” I tell him, even though it’s stretching the truth. I knew him once, a long time ago and now for about twenty-four hours.

“It’s a shame he’s never mentioned you. Surely he wouldn’t keep someone like you hidden away.”

I swallow hard and pull up short in my steps. “I’m visiting him from back home.”

He eyes me warily as I run through the many faces I’ve seen this past week. His doesn’t ring a bell, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t someone inside of that ballroom who hasn’t been serviced by me.

“This is me,” I tell him, pointing to the door. “Be sure to save me that dance, Mr. Cordova.”

I retreat behind the wooden door, thankful that the restroom is empty. After I take care of business I exit the stall and start to wash my hands when Brandy steps beside me. I smile at her through the mirror, but focus on the task at hand.

“Does Finn know you’re fucking his prime investor?”

“Excuse me?”

She fluffs her hair and fixes her lipstick, never making eye contact with me. I don’t know where she’d come up with something so absurd.

“What? Oh, I’m sorry, was that supposed to be a secret?” She covers her mouth as if to play it off.

“There’s no secret because there isn’t anything going on. I only met the man this evening.”

“Really? That isn’t what Finn was saying to Brady a few minutes ago. In fact, he was rather pissed that you were in the hallway with Mr. Cordova. I mean, you could’ve at least waited until the night was over.”

My eyes narrow and she smiles back at me as my temper rises. If we were any other place I’d smack the shit out of her, but I can’t do that to Finn. Not here. And not now, because all I’m worried about is what Finn must think. I can’t afford for him to cut our deal short. Finn has made it very clear that I’m his and he will not share.

“Let me help you out a little, because I can see that you clearly like him. Finn doesn’t do commitment,” she says, pausing beside me. She knows I’m upset, but doesn’t understand the magnitude of why. “And when he does finally decide to settle down, the line waiting for the ring is long and distinguished, with me at the front. Finn will marry into money and power, not waste his time with someone from his hometown.”

“It’s a good thing I’m not looking for one,” I mumble, but it’s too late, she’s out the door before I can even think of something to fire back with.

I rush out the door and run smack into Brady. He catches me before I fall flat on my face and it doesn’t escape my notice that when I have my balance back, his hands are still holding my arms.

“Whoa, where are you off to in such a hurry?”

“Finn is waiting for me.”

He looks over his shoulder, still holding on to my arms and shakes his head. “Finn’s tied up at the moment, why don’t we go and grab a cup of coffee.”

“I should really get back.” I pull out of his grasp and step back. Brady puts his hands up in the air.

“I’m sorry, Macey, I’m not trying to scare you.”

“You’re not, it’s just . . .”


I think twice about what I’m going to say and realize that it could come back to bite me in the ass, but at this point I don’t give a shit. His friends are fucking creeping me the hell out and I don’t have time for these stupid games.

“You’re his friend; you shouldn’t be asking me out.”

Brady laughs and nods. He turns and looks down the hall before facing me. “He’s my best friend, but I know how he is. Unfortunately, you’ll learn the hard way. When he breaks your heart, give me a call. You’re a beautiful woman, Macey, and a beauty like yours doesn’t come around here often enough.”

He leaves me standing in the middle of the hall, completely dumbfounded. I rush back to the ballroom and find Finn sitting at the table. I search the room for Brandy and see that she’s dancing with Mr. Cordova. What a fucking snake.

