Stripped Bare (Vegas Billionaire #1) Read Online Heidi McLaughlin

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Vegas Billionaire Series by Heidi McLaughlin

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 78255 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 391(@200wpm)___ 313(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

She hands the papers back to Lamar and I glance quickly to see her name. Macey Webster—now all the bells are going off. I could remember where she lived and vaguely recall what it felt like to sleep with her, but not her fucking name.

The limo navigates the small streets of old Vegas, until the driver stops at a run-down motel. Many girls linger out front and go into instant work mode as soon as we stop.

“Do you want Lamar to get your stuff?”

“No, I’ll be fine.” She exits the car and Lamar follows. I watch as she turns to glare at him, not fazing him at all. It’s only a matter of seconds before they’re both back and we’re driving away.

“Did you buy anyone else while I was gone?” Her tone is snarky and for some reason, I find that I like it.

“If you think I’m buying you, then I’d like a refund.”

Her mouth drops open again, but she quickly closes it when Lamar chuckles beside me.

“I see Vegas has jaded you.”

Shaking my head, I look out the window and wonder what happened to her. Now that I’ve said her name a few times in my head, I remember her telling me that she was getting out of town. She was going to make something of herself. I hate thinking this was her goal in life. That dancing topless in Vegas was her ambition.

“I’m far from jaded. You assume I have a habit of ‘buying’ people. I can assure you that I don’t mess with human trafficking or prostitution. Like I said earlier, I’m a busy man and this week I need a woman by my side to do my bidding. No strings attached, we both walk away at the end of the week. If I wanted the phone calls, text messages and the whiney bullshit that comes with dating, you wouldn’t be in my car right now.”

She doesn’t have a witty comeback. In fact, she turns her gaze toward the window and watches the passing scenery as we drive back to Allure. When she crosses her legs I just about lose my shit.

“Keep your legs closed. Lamar doesn’t need to see what you’re offering.”

If I expect her to uncross as shyly as possible and to pull her robe closed, I’m sorely mistaken. Instead, she spreads her legs, showing both of us what’s behind her barely there floss, all while keeping her eyes steady on mine.

“Finn, I do believe you’ve met your match,” Lamar says beside me. I laugh, knowing he’s right. I’m not sure what I expected from her, but this wasn’t it. I thought deep down that there was the young girl I had met so many years ago.

“And you call me jaded,” I scoff, getting out of the limo as soon as the driver pulls up to the service entrance. Very rarely do I use this side of the hotel, but the last thing I need is to be seen with Macey while she’s dressed like this. The clicking of her heels tells me that she’s rushing to keep up with my long stride.

“Where are you taking me?” she asks. Her hands are holding her robe closed and she’s shaking.

“Are you scared?”

She looks up with the royal blue eyes I remember and I see nothing but trepidation. Her nod is subtle and if I hadn’t been focusing on her face, I would’ve missed it.

“To my penthouse, where you’ll live this week. My assistant will have some clothes sent up for you and then we’ll go shopping.”

“I have my own clothes.”

I hold the door open so she can step into the service elevator. Thankfully, we’re alone. I insert my key and press the button that will take us straight up to the hallway that leads to my apartment.

“Your clothes won’t suffice unless your carry-on has an array of Dior, Louis Vuitton and Chanel in there.”

“For what you’re asking of me, my clothes are fine.”

I take the few steps toward her until her back is pressed against the metal wall. My hands land next to her face, and the rise and fall of her chest amuses me.

“Let’s get this straight right now. No one knows what you do on the outside but Lamar and me. No one is going to judge you. From this point forward, you are mine for the week. Your body will don the finest clothes out there, your feet will wear the nicest shoes and the softest fabrics money can buy will cover your pussy.” My nose nuzzles her neck and I try not to reel back as the stench from the club enters my system. “And when we’re alone, if I want you to dance for me, you will. When we’re in the car and I want to fuck you, I will. Make no mistake, Macey. I have every intention of getting my money’s worth this week while I lavish you with gifts.”

