Standing His Ground: Greer Read Online Jamie Begley (Porter Brothers #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Dark, Erotic, MC, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Porter Brothers Trilogy Series by Jamie Begley

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 104147 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 521(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 347(@300wpm)

She started to reach for his cock to give him his own share of the torment he was giving her, but he caught her hand, folding it behind her back. Then he used his shoulder to press her down on the mattress. She tried to struggle out of his hold.

“If you touch my dick, I won’t be able to keep from coming.” Greer taunted her with his mouth, his lips lingering over hers, letting his breath play over hers. “It’s hard trying to concentrate when you’re trying to fuck perfection.”

“I’m not perfect.”

“A rose isn’t perfect, but it’s still beautiful.”

Holly stared into his eyes, trying to find the truth behind his words. Did he really mean them, or was that what he had told all the other women he had been with?

He sunk his fingers into her with a soft motion, as if she would tell him to stop. When she didn’t, he thrust them deeper, and her leg curled around his hip tighter, her heel riding the curve of his ass.

She tried again to release her hand, wanting to pull him closer. As if he knew what she was trying to do, he rubbed his chest back and forth across her breasts and slipped his tongue into her mouth.

Overwhelmed by the determined assault on her body’s erogenous zones, she gave in to him. This was a part of Greer she didn’t recognize. He was the master in his bed, and his woman was expected to follow his lead.

“Greer!” Frustration and desire had her heel pressing down on his ass. She had lived with him long enough to know how to get him to do what she wanted. “If you don’t quit teasing me, I’m going to come without you.”

“That’s okay. I can start again.” His kiss grew lusty as his tongue mimicked his plunging fingers.

“I’m a one-and-done kind of girl.”

Greer stopped kissing her, his fingers stilling. “You’re joking, right?”

“No.” She tried to wiggle her hips down on the fingers that had stopped moving.

“Woman, you won’t know what you’re capable of until you fuck me. I’ve been known to make blind women see.”

Holly burst out laughing.

“You doubt me?” He moved his hand away and then rose to his knees. Then he reached under her, twining his fingers together at the base of her back and arching her hips so he had the perfect angle to thrust inside of her pussy. Driving home in one lunge, he sent her moving upward in the bed. “That feel good?”

“God, yes!” she gasped.

Greer snapped his hips back then forward. “That feel better?”

Her high-pitched screams filled the room as his thrusts sent her body rioting. Her pussy throbbed from how hard he was driving into her.

She looked up to see him staring at her and bit her lip to keep from crying out again. Goose bumps rose on her arms when he didn’t seem as aroused as she was. His storm-filled eyes narrowed on her, not missing that she was pulling back, trying to bring her excitement to a more manageable level like his.

“Am I doing something wrong?” She heard the hurt in her own voice.

He lowered his mouth to the curve of her ear. “Woman, if you do it any better, I won’t be able to finish you off.”

Holly didn’t believe him, but his pounding dick drove her higher until she couldn’t think, much less watch the reactions crossing his face.

He steadily kept rocking into her until she felt a drop of sweat drip between her breasts. Greer’s tongue laved it. Then he licked the globe of her breast, finding her nipple and twirling his tongue around it until her pussy clamped down around his hard dick.

Gripping his shoulders, she could only hold on as he moved within her, alternating between slow and fast strokes until she no longer cared about anything except to bring an end to the torment he was putting her through.

“Please, Greer, please … please …” She begged, trying to find the orgasm that was eluding her grasp.

“You want to come?” he grunted out.


He brought his hands to her butt, lifting her higher. “Woman, I’m going to send you where no man has sent you before.”

She bit her nails into his flesh to make sure she was still with him and hadn’t imagined him making love to her. The wave of sensations storming through her body was unlike anything she had felt before.

When the euphoric feeling vanished and Greer stiffened over her, his cock throbbing inside of her, it was like he had thrown her up into the air and she was breaking into pieces before coming back to earth and finding herself in his arms.

She blinked up at him, dismayed that she was still lying on her bed in one piece.

“What was that?”

He grinned down at her wickedly. “Told you I would.”

