Speak of the Devil – Westcott Family Read Online S.L. Scott

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 116031 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 580(@200wpm)___ 464(@250wpm)___ 387(@300wpm)

“Have you ever been married?”

“No. Just like you.”


A huff escapes her, and she replies, “No, Shane.”

“Why not?” Selfishly, I just want to know.

“Because I’ve been busy.” Shooting her right eyebrow up, she says, “I was focusing on my career like you, but for a lot less pay.” She’s right.

The millions I’ve made would support me for the rest of my life, even if I never stepped on another stage. It’s ridiculous money at levels that even a kid like me, who grew up with wealthy parents, can’t wrap my head around. Does she deserve more? Fuck yeah. She’s helping people, giving them comfort, and saving lives. “Wait a minute. How do you know I’ve never been married?”

“Because you’re legally married to me. That’s how.”

“How are we legally married?” Although I feel my heart starting to thunder in my chest as panic rises in my throat, I try to remain calm. Freaking out won’t get me to the answers any quicker. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about who Cat is now, it’s that her stories take the scenic route.

“That’s what I’m getting to.” Closing the gap between her and the car, she undoes another button near her neck. The tease. “I know this sounds wild, but I have two days to do one of the following:

Prove you’re not my husband. Or . . .

Get a divorce if you are.”

If I’m going to believe her, which I’m leaning toward on instinct, I still need proof. Should I be indulging her before I get said proof? Probably not. But I never was one to miss out on an adventure. “If any of this is true⁠—”

“It’s all true,” she says, conviction taking control of her tone.

“What kind of proof does one need to show they’re not married? That’s not usually the lie people would tell, right?”

“I agree, but that’s not the situation we’re in, so all I can think to do is bring you back to Roberta and get a correction made.” There’s a thrill to her voice that makes me think she’s confident of this plan when I’m still trying to catch up. “It’s too late today. They’re already closed, but we can go tomorrow.” Getting me one step closer to agreeing, she smiles like she taught the sun how to shine.

“Why would she fix it if I’m there?”

“I only have two plans, Shane. I’m starting with A. If that doesn’t work, then we move on to plan B.” She stares at me like I’m expected to agree when I’m not sure what I can do if she didn’t get it done already.

“So I show up, and what? Try to convince Roberta to believe us?”


I finally cut my engine off. “Why would she believe me over you?”

“She might,” she replies, waving her hand in my direction, “because you’re you.”

“Because I’m in a band⁠—”

“And famous and attractive.”

She knows how to get her way. I’ll loop back to the attractive part. “What if it doesn’t work?”

“I don’t need the negativity. I’m hot. I’m tired. It’s been a horrible week, and you sit there comfortably in your fancy Ferrari with air-conditioning while I’m frying in the sun.” She turns her back to me as if the Toyota tempts her to get inside.

I worry about giving her false hope that will only lead to disappointment. “I don’t see how I can contribute in a way to help solve the house issue. We need to worry about this marriage situation first.”

Dipping into her car, she sits there as if her thoughts have run away from her. “I don’t know what to say to make you understand other than to lay it all out there. No holding cards close to my chest, just the God’s honest truth.” She angles to face me, and says, “I won’t just lose the house. I’ll lose the earnest money, which was all my savings outside of the down payment.” She glances over at me one last time while reaching for her door. “I know this isn’t your problem, and you don’t owe me anything. But we are married and . . .” She sucks in a staggering breath. “Forget I ever contacted you. I can handle this on my own.” She closes her door and starts the vehicle.

I’m left staring at her through the window, wondering what the fuck just happened.

We sit in our cars. Me, wondering why she’s given up so fast when she’s been nothing but a live wire of emotion this entire time.

Nah, it doesn’t end like this. I release my door and move beside her car.

Cat ignoring me, despite being three inches from her window, makes it hard to get those soulful eyes to return to mine. While she’s busy digging through her purse on the passenger’s seat, I knock, willing to pick up the baton where it lays.

