Sparkles and Scowls (Blue Ridge Magic #3) Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Blue Ridge Magic Series by M.A. Innes

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82371 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 412(@200wpm)___ 329(@250wpm)___ 275(@300wpm)

“That would require a spell that alters your body.” I wasn’t sure how he’d missed that part. “You don’t want me to do that.”

Shaking his head, Lorne gave me a bright, manipulative smile. “Stefan said the diary made it sound perfectly safe and like it was very common in the past. Someone along the way forgot to pass along the important things mages could do.”

Before I could even think about rolling my eyes, he got a confused, thoughtful look. “At some point, someone started keeping the good stuff from us. How was I supposed to know it was so normal?”

Monroe shrugged sheepishly. “All the mages we know just fuck with the flowers and glare.”

I really hated it when they had a good point.

“Clearly, we need to work on mate education.” Somewhere along the way, someone in the sex ed department had dropped the ball. “We’ll come back to that another time. For now, I want to double-check that you understand I’d be using spells on your body, Lorne.”

We were going to make that very clear before I did anything.

Standing straighter and looking adorably serious, he nodded. “Yes, Carrick, I understand. You would be making my muscles…making them stretchier and so they’d heal faster. Then I wouldn’t end up weird and saggy later in life or just broke after doing it once.”

Dragons above.

“Basically, that’s correct.” Ignoring the horrifying thoughts that explanation put in my head, I tried to stick to the facts. “You’d heal faster and the specific muscles in question would retain their elasticity better than the average person or dragon. I would also make sure that it would feel good, not painful.”

I wasn’t going to go into the details unless he asked because it was boring, but I knew he would appreciate the outcome either way.

Lorne nodded as I’d expected but it was Monroe who came back into the conversation with a good question.

“How do you know what to do to the human body?” Cocking his head, he frowned. “I know you wouldn’t hurt Lorne, but I don’t understand how you know what to do.”

“The reason my college education took so long was because I took a lot of additional classes. I almost went to medical school.” When they both looked oddly confused, I tried again. “I was gone for four years? Didn’t that seem ludicrous?”

Lorne looked at Monroe. “I’m not going to tell him. You do it.”

They were ridiculous.

Monroe sighed and nodded like he knew being tortured was his lot in life. “It usually takes people four years to get a bachelor’s degree.”

I finally gave in and rolled my eyes…it was the only thing that kept me sane some days. “I’m not even going to respond to that absurdity.”

“You didn’t party much in college, did you?” Lorne’s question was sincere enough that I tried to answer without looking, as he would say, magey.

“No.” People were annoying. “I did, however, do volunteer work at a hospital and took enough classes to keep a full schedule. My main hobby was magic and working on that at school was difficult. Too many humans, so I kept busy other ways.”

“That explains a lot.” Lorne seemed to decide he needed to look cute for some reason and stretched up to kiss my cheek. “Thank you for explaining that.”

I had no idea what he was talking about, so I just nodded. “You’re welcome. I’ll always do my best to explain myself when something doesn’t make sense.”

Even if I didn’t know why I was explaining some things.

He was my mate and that was what was important.

“Now, are we ready to see what else Lorne has in store for us?” I wasn’t stupid enough to think that was all he was hiding.

His giggle proved my point.

“Yes, Master.” When he kissed my other cheek, I knew it was going to be interesting.

Chapter 28


It probably wasn’t good to be this worried over a mate’s surprise. It had to be bad etiquette at the very least.

But this was Lorne.

“I gave you fair warning about what would happen if I got eaten and I will stick to it.” Carrick sounded serious and oddly threatening for someone who’d promised to come back and haunt our mate if this went wrong.

But Lorne had said there wasn’t anything magical or dangerous living in the house, so coming back as a ghost to haunt him probably wouldn’t be necessary.

Besides, there weren’t a whole lot of animals and creatures running around Earth that hadn’t originated here, but then again, someone had thought it would be a good idea to bring over pets that had ended up as the Loch Ness Monster.

So good decisions didn’t run in our gene pool.

“I remember, Papa.” Lorne knew he was skating on thin ice because he’d switched to Papa and was back to kissing Carrick’s cheek. “It’s going to be fine.”

