Something Borrowed Something You Read Online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 98652 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 493(@200wpm)___ 395(@250wpm)___ 329(@300wpm)

“Are you going to jail?”

Sadly, she was asking a serious question. “No, I’m not going to jail.”

“Did you cheat on her?”

“I don’t think this is an appropriate conversation to be having. But no, I didn’t cheat on her.”

She ignored my comment. “Do you still think about her?”

I nodded. It was impossible not to think about her all day long, even though I’d tried my hardest.

Izzy was quiet for a long time, and I knew she was pondering how to put together the puzzle of our conversation. Although without all the pieces, she’d never be able to see the full picture. At least that’s what I thought, until she proved kids could see a lot more than adults thought they could.

“My dad messed up in so many ways. He’s not the guy I thought he was. Over the last few years, I’ve sat around and thought about all of the things he said to me. Because I’d never suspected he could be a liar, it made me question if I even knew how to tell the truth from his lies. So I doubted everything—did he love me? Did he want to be with me, be with us, or were we part of the act he put on for people? I didn’t realize it until recently, but Nat was feeling the same way. That’s why it was hard for her to move on, for both of us to move on. My dad claimed he didn’t tell Nat the truth because he didn’t want to hurt her. And of course, everyone thinks I’m too young to understand anything.” She shrugged. “Maybe I am too young to understand a lot of things. But what I’ve learned over the last few years is Nat doesn’t need protecting. She’s the strongest woman I know. So if you want to protect her—really allow her to move on without it dragging out for years like things with my dad did—don’t leave her questioning. Because while the truth hurts, it’s like a Band-Aid when you rip it off. The pain goes away. It’s the lies and questioning that keep you aching for a long time.”

My mouth hung open. Not only had I had my ass handed to me in a game of one-on-one, I’d just been schooled on life and love by a sixteen-year-old.

Chapter 35

— Hunter —


Holy shit.

I’d always suspected it was her.

I came to visit Jayce a few times a year—but every year on his birthday, his grave always had flowers on it before I arrived. They were such an odd combination—a violet, a lily, a carnation, maybe two roses, and some Hawaiian birds-of-paradise. It wasn’t an arrangement a florist would ever put together. And they weren’t wrapped in the traditional way; only a string of jute bound the disorganized bundle together. It made me think someone had walked into a florist and just started picking out flowers they liked—or ones they thought the recipient would like—without regard to matching or making a bouquet of any sort.

Which was why I’d always suspected it was her. It was classic Summer—bold and beautiful, as seen through her eyes.

Her back was to me, but I knew it was her from two rows away. Out of habit, I stopped and watched from a distance. I’d done that for a few months after things ended—not wanting to see her, but not being able to keep the hell away.

She paced back and forth in front of Jayce’s headstone, and I thought maybe she was talking to him. That seemed about right. I smiled when I saw her wag her finger at the stone. After watching longer than I should have, I turned to walk away. I’d come back later for my visit. But I’d only made it a half a dozen steps when her familiar voice called to me.


I froze. Shit.

What the hell did I do now? Keep walking and pretend I didn’t hear her? I’d been a dick for long enough. Maybe it was time I manned up. Taking a deep breath, I slowly turned back around.

How long had it been? Jayce had been gone more than seven years now. All that time and she looked exactly the same, yet nothing like she used to. She was still as beautiful as ever, but she looked more mature now—almost tamed.

“Hey,” I said. Quite an unimpressive opener after so long.

She smiled and tilted her head. “Were you leaving because you saw me?”

Our eyes locked. “Truth?”


I nodded. “Yeah.”

“I was just finishing up. I come every year on his birthday to yell at him. Just let me say goodbye, and I’ll go.” She turned to the headstone for a minute and then back to me. I still hadn’t budged from where I stood. “All done. He’s all yours to yell at.” Summer took a step toward the car parked on the nearby paved lane and looked my way again. “You look good, Hunter. I hope you’re happy.”

