Sinful Hands (Chained Hearts Duet #3) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Chained Hearts Duet Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 64222 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 321(@200wpm)___ 257(@250wpm)___ 214(@300wpm)

“Mio per sempre.”

“Yes,” she says on a moan, and I see her head lolling back—it’s what she does when she’s close.

“See, you like the way I speak to you. The way I touch you.” I stand and approach the shower, and her eyes pop open. “Remember that when I bring you back to mine tonight to fuck some better manners into you.”

I walk out and hear her groan as I leave.



Quickly, I wrap a towel around me as I get out of the shower. Lucas is sitting on her bed, cell in hand, when I exit the bathroom.

“What are you doing?”

“Playing Clash of Clans.” Umm, okay, whatever that is. “Clothes are in the dresser.” He nods, then goes back to his cell. I open the drawer and pull out a dress. When I see the brand, I quickly shove it back inside and close the drawer.

“All her shit is going to be designer, just pick something so we can go.”

I turn to see him still on his cell, whatever he’s doing his interest is not wavering, so I do what any woman would.

“Don’t pull that face at me either.” He looks up to confirm I was pulling a face of annoyance at him.

“I don’t wear this shit.”

“Feel free to put on your old stuff then if it’s an issue.”

“My shit is covered in blood, no thanks to you,” I bite back.

“You sat there,” he replies.

The audacity of him. I grab my dress and throw it at his head. It does nothing but cover up his cell phone. He shrugs it off, standing and sliding his cell into his pocket.

“I just can’t with you.”

“But you can.”

“No, I really can’t.” I shake my head.

He reaches into the drawer and pulls out another dress, his face inches from mine as he stares at me. “I could kiss you right now.”

“I wouldn’t allow it,” I tell him, but my eyes betray me and flick to his lips, then back to his eyes.

“But you would.”

Damn him, he’s not wrong.

Lucas pulls back and hands me the dress. “Put this on. The clean-up crew has arrived.” Then he walks out.

Clean-up crew?

What the hell is a fucking clean-up crew?

After sliding on the dress, I walk out but quickly run back in to grab my cell from my discarded jeans pocket before I make my way down the stairs. When I reach the bottom, Lucas is speaking with Sergio and Joey. A few others are there, dressed in an all-white get-up with gloves on as they clean the house.

“You brought her here?” Joey says, gaze locked on me. All eyes fix on me at that statement, and I feel Joey’s rake me over before they go back to an angry Lucas.

“Did you have to eye fuck her?” Lucas asks.

Joey just smirks. “Did you have to kill Angela?” Joey bites back.

“Yes, but did you have to eye fuck Chanel?” Lucas asks again.

“Chanel.” Joey turns to face me. “She is beautiful to look at.” I watch in slow motion as Lucas pulls a gun from his pants and raises it at Joey. Joey ignores him and keeps his eyes on me.

“It’s probably best you leave. You shouldn’t have even been here.”

I nod.

A part of me wants to walk out of the house and leave Lucas there, but the other…

I walk up to Lucas slowly and place my hand on his arm, the same one that is holding the gun. “Lucas, take me home.” His long eyelashes blink a few times before he lowers his weapon and turns, catching my arm and storming out of the room.

Lucas didn’t talk the whole way back to my place. He sat in the back with me again while Sergio drove. When we pulled up, I got out, but he made sure to pass me my cell as I did, then he shut the door and drove away.

“Holy shit! That dress is everything. Let me borrow it,” Merci says as I unlock the door to my house.

“Where is Brody?” I ask.

“He said he had to go to work.” She follows me in, and I tear the dress over my head and pass it to her. “You can have it.”

“Oh my God, really?” She immediately starts ripping her own clothes off before she slides the dress on. Then she does a spin, showing it off.

“Where is your underwear?” she asks, stopping mid-spin. I shrug and walk into my bedroom, sliding on panties and quickly getting dressed again.

“So, the boss has been asking if you’re coming back.” She taps her foot on the floor. “Says your clients have been annoying him.”

“I work for Sailor now. I hope to never have to go back to that life,” I tell her. “I make more and have to do less, and it’s good, not just good money but good everything.”

“Think you can get me a job?” She chuckles, then sits on my bed. “Where have you been, I saw Lucas’ car pull away.”

