Sinful Hands (Chained Hearts Duet #3) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Chained Hearts Duet Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 64222 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 321(@200wpm)___ 257(@250wpm)___ 214(@300wpm)

“She went out.” Merci crosses her arms over her chest in some sort of defiant move, which does nothing but infuriate me more.

“Do you care to tell me where?” I ask sarcastically.

“Depends. How much money you got on you?”

“I could just walk in and put a bullet in your grandmother’s head.”

“Wow. You’re a real asshole.”

“So I’ve been told.” I lift my hand to my gun, and she watches my moves.

“Maybe you should watch your cameras more often.” She smirks before she ducks into her apartment and shuts the door behind her. I grab some money out of my wallet and throw it where she stood. Lifting my phone, I flick through my security cameras at home and work.

And that’s when I see her.

Heels on.

Dress too short.

And I watch her as she walks into my club.

Marcus opens the door for her because Brody’s already left.



Marcus gives me a stern look the minute he sets his eyes on me. But make no mistake, I’m not leaving here until I get what I want. I’m sick of Lucas having the upper hand. I grip my cell in my fist, even after I hear it ding, as Marcus tries to shut me out.

“Get lost, Chanel, he isn’t here.”

“I came to talk to you,” I tell him. I’ve heard whispers that even though Marcus doesn’t do Lucas’ dirty work like his other men, he runs this bar, and Lucas gives him free rein.

“What on earth could you need to talk to me about?” he questions.

“My brother,” I lie.

“And this can’t wait until, you know…” His eyes pin mine. “… Lucas is here?”

“No can do.” I smile at him, and he shakes his head as he walks into the bar. I quickly glance at my phone and see a text from Lucus..

* * *

Lucas: Where are you?

* * *

I clearly changed his name from ‘Best fuck.’ I wanted to change it to ‘Do not answer’ or ‘Stay the fuck away’ but Lucas sufficed… for now.

* * *

Me: You should probably enjoy the show. I know how you like to record me without my permission.

* * *

I click send and walk in, shutting the door behind me and leaning on it as Marcus stands in front of me.

“What do you want to know?” he asks.

He has a washcloth in one hand and is waiting patiently for me to speak.

I almost feel bad for what I’m about to do.

But I have to do it.

Lucas is keeping something from me.

And from what I heard, Marcus will know.

“Ouch.” I bend down and inspect my thigh, lifting up my dress as far as it will go, until you can see a hint of my pussy. “Something bit me, can you look?” His eyes are transfixed on my legs and my pussy. “Marcus, it’s stinging,” I say, biting my lip.

If there’s one thing in this life I know I’m good at, it’s men.

I can read a man’s expressions and intentions.

Well, maybe not all men because Lucas is a bit of a puzzle. But other than him, I do pretty well. My cell dings in my hand, but I ignore it.

Marcus leans in closer, his face inches from my pussy. I watch as he tests the water, one hand coming to rest on my thigh, his other clenching the rag hard.

That’s when I check my phone and smile.

* * *

Lucas: I’d tell him to remove his hand, or else.

* * *

I glance down at Marcus and see him really looking, his eyes transfixed. Men love to stare at pussy, Lord knows why. I drop my cell on the floor and step back away from him, then turn and bend over to pick it up. I hear his intake of breath, then I stand and look down at him to see if he’s getting hard.

“Marcus, I need to ask you some questions.” He nods, and I go to the empty table, the one he must have been wiping down, and climb on it, crossing my legs. His eyes track my every movement. “Could you come a little closer?” I inch him closer with a crook of my finger, then I reach into my bra and bring out a condom. “Do you think you can test this and see if it fits you?”

The rag drops from his hands.

He hesitates, but I open my legs just a little more for him to see, and he snatches the condom from my hand and undoes his pants.

I watch as he rolls it on, and as he does, I open my cell to see another message from Lucas.

* * *

Lucas: Unless you plan for me to dismember him right in front of your pretty chocolate eyes, I would stop.

* * *

Me: That would work, if I were yours. But I’m not.

* * *

Lucas: Oh, you are…MINE. Make no mistake.

* * *

