Shot in the Dark Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 131
Estimated words: 122609 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 613(@200wpm)___ 490(@250wpm)___ 409(@300wpm)

“Yeah, they’re pretty good, but I haven’t gone in years. This is about you though, what you want. You want Chick-fil-A, so Chick-fil-A it is.”

Soon, they got to the drive thru, and Honey sent out a silent prayer that Irish would not make good on her threat. She was relieved when the woman was actually quiet during the ordering and delivery of food. Honey got back on the road, headed to Archer’s estate. All she could hear was music playing softly and Irish smacking loudly, demolishing her food and sucking coke through a straw as if she was trying to prove how strong her jaws were. After, she let out an impressive belch, wiped her fingers on a stack of napkins, and slumped against the seat.

“My brother is an amazing fuckin’ person. He’s an asshole, but an incredible person.”

“I agree on all counts.” She could see Irish sizing her up.

“I see he still has good tastes. I’m glad he got someone normal for a change. I was telling the truth with what I told you on the phone. James used to have constant stalkers. Women would get fucking obsessed with him. You got a cigarette, baby?”

“No, sorry. Do you want me to pull into a gas station so you can get some cigarettes?”

“Nah, that’s okay. I’ll get some later. So, uh, James tells me you’re a photographer and shit.”

“Yes, I’m a photojournalist. The pictures you see that go along with articles. That’s my job.”

“Oh yeah, that’s what he said! Photojournalist. I went to a good computer school a long time ago. Top of my class when I graduated from the program. I was good at it, too. I worked for a big-time security system at one point, got all the way to management, but I can’t do that now ’cause I have a record.”

“Yeah, James said you were a computer whiz. That’s great, Irish. I’m sure you can still put those skills to use.”

Irish didn’t say anything… just looked out the window, biting her nails.

“Are you nervous?”

“Eh, kinda. It feels strange, you know? Being on the outside. You kind of get used to being locked up. Caged in. You want out so bad. Then, when you get out, you feel a little disoriented.”

The clouds in the sky were surrounded by gray. It looked like rain was coming soon.

“I understand what you’re saying.”

“You ever been locked up before?”

Honey slowly turned in her direction and burst out laughing.

“What?” Irish grinned.

“I see James didn’t tell you everything, like he said he did. Yeah, I’ve been locked up before. Just differently. Ask your brother the details since he was the reason why.”

Irish brandished a sinister grin and shook her head.

“…I don’t have to ask him shit. I can read between the lines. He had you in that dungeon room in his basement?” Honey nodded. “Jesus Christ! You got Stockholm’s or something now?”

“Nope. I’m in my right mind.”

Irish shook her head and looked out the window. “Leave it to my lunatic brother to fall in love with his gotdamn prisoner. That’s a first!” Irish burst out laughing, beating her thigh with her fist as she fell into a fit of giggles.

“Yeah… it’s complicated. He’ll fill you in on the details.”

“James doesn’t mix business with pleasure so this surprises me, but, from what he told me about you, I can understand how he got in his feelings. He adores you, do you know that? He was practically drooling on the phone as he was telling me about you.”

She smiled at that. “I love him too.”

“And you don’t have to worry about me being in y’alls way. I’ll only be there a few months, and then I’m getting my own place. The last time I stayed there, he had me doing chores for an allowance, like I was some twelve-year-old kid. He already has a damn maid. You know what, take me to a hotel! Fuck James.” They were both laughing now. “I’m surprised he didn’t have Billy come get me since he was busy.”

A lump formed in Honey’s throat. She cleared it, and kept on driving.


“What?” Honey asked back.

“You made a face when I said that. When I mentioned Billy.”

“Oh… well… he’s, uh, he’s just not my cup of tea.”

“Yeah, he’s too far up my brother’s ass, I tell ya that much. It’s kinda weird, actually.” Irish went back to biting her nails. “He’s too involved, ya know? When I say up my brother’s ass, I don’t mean like in a romantic way, but just a bit fanatical, I guess you could say.”

Honey deliberated on whether she should spill the beans to Irish about James and Billy falling out, then thought better of it.

“Oh, before we get to the house, I wanna run something past you.”

“Okay, what is it?” Honey questioned.

“My brother told me about the plan with Bannon.” Honey tightened her grip on the steering wheel. “It’s his fault I had to do this bid.” Irish’s voice dropped low, and her eyes narrowed. The hatred she had for that man was palpable. “They’ve been goin’ at it for years. Bannon is a crook! A pervert! A fucking con-artist, too. He also murdered our friend. Well, he never gets his own hands dirty, but he had him killed.”

