Shot in the Dark Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 131
Estimated words: 122609 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 613(@200wpm)___ 490(@250wpm)___ 409(@300wpm)

The woman burst out laughing again. “God, you’re funny. He must’ve really laid it on you… getting sassy with the family and everything. Oh, well,” she dramatically sighed, “I’ve heard he has that effect on women. Anywho, do you know when he’ll be back, Ms. Pia? I’m calling about something pretty important.”

“No, I don’t know when he’ll be back, but you can kiss my—” Just then, she heard the electronic ding that let her know someone had unlocked one of the doors in the house. She looked at the video monitor in the kitchen and caught Archer getting out of his Lambo in the garage. “Well, looks like he just arrived. Hold on.” She placed the phone down and met the man halfway. He could barely get his leather jacket off before she was in his face, irritated, but letting him know his sister was on the phone, making waves. Archer nodded, brushed past her, and made his way to the kitchen. He picked up the phone and put it on speaker, much to her surprise.

“What’s up?” he asked before tossing his keys into a mosaic bowl with all of the others.

“I’m gonna get outta here!” Irish squealed. “I’ll be on probation for five years. I have to repay the money and have to attend anger management classes, but that’s the deal I got, so of course I took it!”

“That moved fast. You’re kidding?”

“Nope. I’m serious! Coming home in three weeks. Hey, uh, who’s the chick that answered the phone?”

Archer’s complexion deepened, and he tossed her a glance from over his shoulder.

“My girlfriend. Why?”


“Your girlfriend? James, stop it. You haven’t been in a relationship for, like, five years! You told me you don’t have time for those sorts of commitments, and that you—”

“No, I’m serious. It’s my girlfriend, Irish. Things change. Look, I’ll talk to you about this more later, okay? Now isn’t the time. You just concentrate on not fucking this up before you’re released. I can’t wait to see you.” He smiled so big, it was contagious. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“Hold on. Put her back on the phone.”

“What? Why?”

“Just do it, please!” Irish yelled.

“Hold on.”

Archer sighed and motioned for her to come closer. Arms crossed, she made her way over to talk to the repugnant woman once again.

“Come here, baby…” He kissed her cheek, then spoke into the phone again. “I’m going to hand her the phone. I don’t know what went down between you two, but if you say something stupid or disrespectful to her, there’ll be consequences, Irish. Don’t do it. I mean it.” He handed her the phone, then went to pull out a cold beer from the refrigerator.

“What is it, you rude little convict?” Honey spat.

“Hmmm… well, James always liked his women spicy.” She chortled. “Pia, I’ll call you that until I know your real name, and don’t bother telling it to me right now because when James doesn’t say something, he has a reason.” It clicked at that moment the prison call was being recorded, and that was why he hadn’t offered the information. “I apologize for speakin’ to you the way I did. It was uncalled for. In my defense, I didn’t know that you were in a relationship with my brother. I’ve run into so many women over the years acting possessive and crazy about him—a few of them I even had to physically fight for stalking him.” She laughed. “So, I just figured you were like all of the rest. Now that I know you’re someone he takes seriously, I’ll do the same. I hope you accept my apology, and I look forward to meetin’ you when I get outta here.”

Before Honey could respond, the call ended.

She stared at the receiver, then placed it back down on the cradle. When she turned around, Archer was drinking his beer and scrolling through his phone. They both looked up when they heard the familiar ding of a main door unlocking. They turned in the direction of the live video in the kitchen. It was Billy. He’d let himself in, then looked up at the camera, smiled and waved…


Archer sat in the kitchen, drinking his beer. He set it down and drummed his fingers against the table.

“Honey, go to my bedroom and wait, please.”

“Does he always come and go like this in your house? I told you I don’t like him. I told you I have a bad feeling about him.”

He picked up his beer and took another swig.

“Please go to my bedroom and wait. I’ll handle this,” he repeated.

They locked eyes. Hers turned to slits. Then, she grabbed a water bottle from the refrigerator and disappeared. Less than a minute later, he heard the all too familiar pace and heavy footsteps of his right arm. Only he suspected that his right arm was crooked. Billy rounded the corner, a slick smirk on his face.

