Shot in the Dark Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 131
Estimated words: 122609 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 613(@200wpm)___ 490(@250wpm)___ 409(@300wpm)

“Is that what this is about?! No one is tryna be you, Archer. You put me in charge in your absence, so I stepped up to the plate. You were kissing titties in Mexico and drinkin’ tequila! They needed another route!”

“That’s not your job, and it almost got us in trouble.” Billy swallowed, but his face remained defiant. “The thing that’s been really bothering me though is this issue right here: you’re too damn close. The only thing I liked wrapped around me tight are a woman’s legs, so I don’t like how fuckin’ intrusive you’ve been lately. I don’t like how you’re moving one bit.”

Billy rolled his eyes and laughed. “That’s ridiculous, man. I’m just looking out for you! That’s what friends as close as you and I do.”

James sniffed and shook his head. Billy had been grating his nerves for a while, but he figured he meant well. They’d known each other so long, and the man was always there when he needed him. For the most part, he’d been reliable, and often went above and beyond what was needed, but something was going on…

Sometimes things change—an invisible switch is turned on. Not everyone is loyal, even the best of the best can turn into the worst of the worst on a dime. After Honey told him that Billy was acting odd, it made his insides boil. He had his reasons, but didn’t give himself enough time to delve deeper into why. Also, he decided to keep her declarations to himself. For now.

“Archer, I meant no disrespect about that whole reroute situation a couple of months ago. I thought I was helping, okay? I just wanted you to relax and enjoy your vacation. My bad. I promised ya then, and I’ll say it once more, it’ll never happen again. And how can I fill your shoes when they’re so big?” The man chuckled. Archer was unamused at his sense of humor. “Since we’re airing grievances, boss, can I say something?”

“Mmm hmm.” He checked his phone again and saw an email come through about twenty percent off of a Cuban link necklace he’d been checking out online.

“Friends don’t keep secrets, either. I feel like you’re hiding something. Something I might be able to help ya with. If you’re holding back, you don’t have to. I miss the days we’d brainstorm together… make a brassbound plan. Come on, man. I know you’re the boss, but we’re a team. Don’t shut me out. You know everything about me.”

“Do I?” Billy appeared shocked at such a statement. He glared at the man, his heart thrashing like a drum as his temper climbed a never-ending mountain of rage.

“Yeah, ya do! You know what, Archer? This is bullshit!” A vein protruded from the side of Billy’s head, and he sprayed spit as he went into a boisterous cursing tirade. His right hand was coming undone right before his eyes… unraveling like a ball of yarn. “…Next thing ya know, you’ll tell me to jump off a bridge to prove myself to you! Don’t you trust me by now?! We’ve known each other for over seven years! Did time together! Hell, even our grandfathers knew one another. I’ve given up a lot for you!”

“I either trust someone or I don’t, and even that level of trust is never completely filled to the brim.” Archer thrust his finger in the man’s face. “Trust is a gift, not an expectation promised to be met. I don’t know where you got this idea that I owe you all of my innermost thoughts and feelings. I move how I move, without your approval. If I feel you need to know about what I am doing with that woman, or anyone else for that matter, I will tell you. You know damn well that I don’t discuss projects or business plans with anybody until the plan is fully cooked, but even then, it’s up to me when and who I will serve the information to.”

He snatched Billy’s cigarette, tossed it to the ground and stomped on it. Before the bastard could respond, he grabbed him by the arms and forced him up against the wall. He could sense people turning and looking in the distance. A quiet came over the place, but he didn’t care.

“You’ve lost your fucking mind. Don’t you ever question me, or make a scene like this again… disrespecting me in public, private, hell, or heaven. I will destroy you. DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND ME?”

“Yeah…” Billy’s eyes darkened and he stiffened in his grip.

After a while, he shook him loose, and Billy succumbed to a series of violent coughs. He looked around, told everyone to get back to work, and walked away…

Something’s wrong with Honey…

Chasity regarded the large flatscreen television in her recently converted living room. Her hospital bed was smack dab in the middle of it. The whole place smelled of Fabuloso and bleach, simmering green beans, and freshly brewed coffee. She caught her reflection in a mirror on the wall and shuddered. Her skin was sallow and sunken. Pale and blue around the eyes. Her once full, blond hair was thin and scraggly. She used to be considered an attractive, elegant woman. Pretty enough to be on TV, but taken seriously, too. I hate how I look… Wish I didn’t have to see it.

