Shot in the Dark Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 131
Estimated words: 122609 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 613(@200wpm)___ 490(@250wpm)___ 409(@300wpm)

“I, James Wilde, take you, Honey Brooks, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise to love and cherish you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, and forsaking all others, keep myself only unto you, for as long as we both shall live.”

The exchange continued, and Honey looked into his eyes as she recited her part, then added her twist.

“I take you as you are, James. Loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise to listen to you, to really hear you, and there’s no doubt that I will learn even more from you than I already have. I promise to support you and accept your support in return.” She paused, took a moment, then continued, “I promise to celebrate your achievements and grieve your losses as though they were my own. James, I will love you and have faith in your love, through all our years and all that life may bring.”

Honey’s chest rose and fell and she looked as if were barely holding on. Those gorgeous dark brown eyes of hers, now glittering with a copper-colored eyeshadow and mascara, were glossing over again. He couldn’t believe he was marrying such a beautiful woman—not just physically, but her very soul glowed.

The minister nodded in his direction for him to speak.

“Honey, you have been the greatest guide for me through this voyage called life. You have shown me what it means to love in a way I didn’t even think was possible. I thought I knew what love was, but you… you took it somewhere that was beyond my greatest imagination.” Her smile was brighter than the sun. “Through our explorations, we have discovered unknown truths about not only each other, but ourselves. Thank you for being that flash of light, even when my life was far too dark, and my emotional intelligence underdeveloped. Thank you for making my soul photogenic, when I didn’t believe I had one at all. Thank you for seeing me as picture-perfect when I’m defective, damaged, and flawed.” Thank you for taking a shot in the dark…

He winked at her, and she winked back.

The vows continued and the minister finally announced what he’d been waiting for: “James Wilde, you may kiss the bride.”

He reached out and gave her wrists a gentle squeeze. Bending slightly, he pressed his lips against hers. Her heat set him on fire, ablaze with passion, lust, and love. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he deepened the kiss while the cheers behind them turned deafening and exuberant. Two ushers led the horse back in, and they were escorted on top of it. Honey was laughing almost hysterically as people tried to assist her in getting on the majestic beast. Finally they managed, and she wrapped her arms around his waist as he took the reins. The white stallion marched forward to the tune of ‘Wanna Grow Old With You,’ by Westlife…

…One and a half years later

Archer sat in the car in the garage, waiting for Honey to come out, his nerves a wreck … but in the best of ways. While the rain fell outside, excitement filled him to the brim. He turned on the radio to hear ‘I Gotta Be’ by Jagged Edge, and checked the back seat. The hospital bag sat there, along with a small piece of luggage full of Honey’s toiletries, robe, and favorite treats.

Since they’d found out she was pregnant, his life had been surreal…

“Whoever told you that, Mr. Wilde, was wrong.”

“This is… this is insane.” Archer ran his hand along his face, his heart about to burst into a million pieces. He laughed until his stomach knotted, and he had to consciously tell himself to breathe. When he finally settled down, he cleared his throat and found his voice again.

“But see, Honey and I just started the paperwork for adoption. We went through all of this screening shit, I mean, stuff, and we were getting the ball rolling. Excuse the pun.” The doctor nodded and smiled from behind her desk. He could tell she was trying to keep from laughing. “I have been sexually active, regularly, since I turned sixteen, and didn’t use protection all the time. I mean, when I was younger, you know, dumb stuff kids do… most times it was protected sex, but there were exceptions on occasion. The point is, during all of those years, no girl ever came to me and said she was pregnant. Because of that, I never questioned what the doctor told my mother.” He waved his hands about.

“Well, stranger things have happened, Mr. Wilde.”

“Robert De Niro had a kid at seventy-nine. Isn’t that wild? I guess miracles do happen, and I… oh my God. Just wow…” He tapped his foot on the floor, anxiety getting the best of him. “I didn’t think I could have children, so I never bothered to try to pull out or anything. TMI, I know, but I’ve been to the doctor just about every year, had full exams and—”

