Seducing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #3) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 75770 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 253(@300wpm)

“Evie? Is she all right?”

“We’re not sure. We’ve called for help. But you should come right away.”

“Yeah, yeah. Of course.” My heart was already pounding as I fucked Heather. Now it’s doing double time.

Damn, Evie. I hope she’s all right.

I head into the bedroom. “Did you hear any of that?” I ask Heather.

“No. I went to the bathroom. What’s wrong?”

“Evangeline has fainted or something. I have to go. And I’m sure sorry about that.”

“I am too.” She kisses my lips. “But I hope she’s okay.”

Heather turns toward the bed where her top is lying, giving me a full view of her viper again. “Tell me about this tattoo,” I say. “It’s gorgeous work.”

She freezes a moment, saying nothing.

“Heather?” I prompt.

She grabs her top and pulls it over her head, and then she turns to face me. Her beautiful blue eyes are narrowed, and her usually happy countenance is nowhere in sight. “I’m an open book, Sebastian. Except for that tattoo. I don’t talk about it. So don’t ever ask me about it again.”

“Heather, I⁠—”

She places two fingers over my lips. “That’s all I’m going to say on the matter. I don’t need to hear an apology, or an ‘I didn’t know,’ or a ‘You can tell me anything, baby, and I’ll understand.’ Because trust me. You won’t understand.” She dons her thong and skirt and leaves my bedroom.

I’m dumbfounded for a moment. I won’t understand? What the hell does that snake mean?

By the time I gather my composure and leave the bedroom, Heather is already gone.

Damn. I walk into my bathroom, brush out my long hair, and throw it into a messy manbun. I splash some cold water on my face, hoping it will help my still-aching cock. I really need a whole cold shower, but I’d better see what’s going on with Evie. The four of us guys were supposed to talk to her briefly after River was done talking to his mother. And then later, we’ll see what Brett found out about Rachel and Ginger.

I hope Evie is okay, but whatever is wrong with her is just another wrench that’s been thrown into this mess.

Just like that wrench twenty years ago when I went to pick up Jake and Marnie was there.

The wrench that started the dominoes falling.




I can’t help watching Marc as he winks at me. His arms are corded and strong, but I follow Alex out of the kitchen and to the bar in the large living area of the mansion. I’ve been here for a couple weeks now, but part of me still feels like a catfish out of water in this grand place.

We haven’t spent much time in the actual house, other than the kitchen for this afternoon’s cook-off and our suites. Mostly we’ve been outside, so this is the first time I’m really looking at the bar. It’s nestled in a corner of the huge… I’m not sure what to call it. A family room, I guess, only it would be for a really big family. The counter is dark polished wood that shines and reflects the sparkle of the crystal glasses that are lined up and ready to be filled. The high-backed stools have velvet cushions that are the color of a ripe plum. Behind the bar, the mirrored wall creates an illusion with the bottles, making the space feel endless. When I breathe in, I smell something familiar. Whiskey and smoke—what Mama says smells like old money and whispered secrets.

“What can I get you, gorgeous?” Alex asks, his beautiful eyes twinkling as he reaches for a glass.

I haven’t given a thought to what I’d like to drink. “I don’t know. What are you having?”

“I’m a bourbon man.”

Right. I knew that. I don’t want bourbon. “Something light, I think. How about a⁠—”

“Mr. Maxwell! There you are.”

I turn my head to see a member of the staff rushing toward us. “Please. You need to come quickly.”

“I’m occupied with a beautiful lady, as you can well see.” Alex gives me a sexy smile.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but there’s an emergency. Evangeline is sick. She collapsed in her suite.”

I gasp, clasping my hand over my mouth. Evangeline has been acting strange for a couple days now. After I got hurt in the kitchen, she helped me, but then she disappeared until dinner was nearly over. And she hasn’t looked good at all. Tonight she looked as pale and wilted as a magnolia blossom after a summer storm.

Alex’s jaw tenses. “Shit.” He meets my gaze. “We’ll have a raincheck on the drink, Ariel. I need to see what’s going on upstairs.”

My heart is going superfast, and the cut on my leg is pulsing. “Yeah, of course. I understand.”

Alex follows the staffer, and I’m left.


I hope Evangeline is okay. She seemed fine for the couple weeks we were here before the men arrived. Though she did take a lot of time off during the afternoons while we were all having our beauty treatments. I just assumed she was working on other stuff, but maybe she was napping in her room.

