Seducing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #3) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 75770 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 253(@300wpm)

I open my mouth to accept Alex’s invitation when Chef Pierre clinks on a wine glass to get our attention. “Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you all enjoyed your appetizer. I want to thank Ariel and Sebastian, and of course Marc, one of my talented sous chefs, for preparing it.” He claps his hands.

We all join in.

“Bravo!” Heather hoots across from me.

Bravo? It should be bravi. Plural. Because there are two people being celebrated. But why would she know that? And why do I care? It’s not like Heather has any designs on River.

And again, even if she does, why do I care? Alex is the one who asked me on a moonlight walk. Well, a walk. He said nothing about moonlight.

When the clapping dies down, Chef Pierre lifts his glass. “I’m going to turn it over to Katie, my other talented sous chef, and let her introduce one of her favorite dishes.”

Katie, all smiles, begins touting the joys of greens. I’ve heard it all before, so I listen with only half an ear. Once she’s done, the staff serves our veggies. They’re plated on white porcelain, a mound of forest green with a drizzle of coconut milk and a sprinkle of toasted coconut. On the side is a lime wedge.

“Looks great,” Alex says.

“It does, actually,” I admit. “Though I had nothing to do with the presentation. That’s all Katie.”

“It smells pretty good too.”

He’s not wrong. The earthy and slightly tropical aroma wafts over me.

Once everyone is served, Chef again gives his spiel about judging each dish on its own merits before we dig in.

I doubt we have a chance even on the merits, but when I bring a forkful of the dish to my lips, even I’m surprised at how delicious it is.

Another staffer fills our second wine glass with a crisp sauvignon blanc, which is the perfect accompaniment.

Alex turns to me after swallowing his first bite. “Wow. You didn’t do this justice.”

“Maybe I didn’t,” I admit. “I tasted it while we were cooking, and it was good, but not this good.” I squeeze the lime over part of it and take another bite.

“The spices had a chance to soften and blend,” Alex says. “Dishes are always better after they’ve sat a bit.”

He’s right, of course. I take a sip of wine and then steal a diagonal glance at River, who’s taking his first bite.

Like it, I think to myself. Please like it.

Then, of course, I want to flog myself for caring.

I suppress a jolt when Alex firmly grips my knee under the table. I like his touch, but it was wholly unexpected. Especially when I’m pining for River to enjoy what I prepared.

My God, what has taken over me?

River hasn’t given me a look all day. My only consolation is that he hasn’t looked Misty’s way either.

He seems preoccupied.

And not with me.

So why should I spend time thinking about him? My God, I need a good flogging to get that cowboy out of my head. I take another look at the handsome author next to me. Might he have a flogger? I’m not one to submit, but I need something to get my mind off that cowboy.

I take another bite of the greens, and this time I let it float on my tongue. It doesn’t have the different textures of the appetizer, but it’s savory and spicy with a touch of creaminess that brings everything together in a near perfect balance of flavor. The zest of the lime only accentuates everything about the dish.

Perhaps Misty and I have a chance to win this thing after all—and without cheating.

I glance at Alex’s marble jawline, at the satisfied look of a man who’s enjoying what he’s eating.

Then I let my gaze wander to River, who’s not smiling, not looking satisfied, rather looking like his truck broke down and his dog died.

Fuck him and his broodiness. He may be an expert in bed, but out of bed counts for something too.

If Misty and I win? Perhaps we won’t choose the same date after all.




Evangeline is nowhere in sight. She accompanied me back down to the kitchen after our talk in her suite and got everyone situated at the table so the dinner could be served, but now she’s gone AWOL. She’d better be in her suite finding an ER doc who wants a paid vacation in the tropics.

I’m worried about Evangeline. She nearly fainted into my arms earlier, and Seb said she threw up the other night when he confronted her. It can’t be food poisoning, unless she’s eating something around here that the rest of us aren’t.

My guess is stress. The woman truly believes her life is in danger if she doesn’t let Misty have a chance to get to know me. One way or the other, I’m finding out the truth.

