Seducing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #3) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 75770 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 253(@300wpm)

This time Evangeline shakes her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’ll get someone out here, but we can’t call in the cavalry, River. We have first aid kits. This is a luxury destination, not a hospital. Do you want to give the women another reason to fear for their safety?”

I look at her then. Really look at her. Not as a person who’s been derelict in her duty and has made my life a living hell, but as a woman. A woman who is not in good health. A woman who is pale, weak, and probably about ready to throw up. She did throw up the other night when Sebastian went to her room. The night he found the email to her from Misty.

“Evangeline, Ariel is not the only one who needs medical care here. You look like you need to see a doctor. You need to lie down.”

She shakes her head, swallowing. “Can’t. This whole event is my responsibility. It has to be a success. There’s no other choice for me.”

I clench my hands into fists and then count to ten in my head. I breathe in, exhale. “I can’t help you, Evangeline, if you aren’t honest with me. What is really going on here? What does Misty have on you?”

“It’s not that simple,” she says, burying her head in her hands.

A wave of sympathy washes over me. If Evangeline is tangled in a web created by Misty, she and I have something in common. Perhaps Evangeline is not the enemy here. So she didn’t get a medic or nurse on the island. She was busy finding eight young ladies based on what four men were looking for, and once she’d done that, she planned an elaborate event on a private tropical island. She overlooked medical care. She probably wasn’t thinking there’d be any accidents. Hell, I sure wasn’t.

We were all expecting a lavish event with hot women, excellent food, and fun in the sun.

“Evangeline,” I say again gently, “if you won’t talk to me, I can’t help you.”

“No one can help me.” She sniffles.

I draw in a breath. My sympathy is waning. These back-and-forth emotions are getting on my nerves. Do I believe her life is in danger? No. Because if it was, she’d be thrilled to talk to a billionaire about it. I have more money than Misty, and the four of us together could put her and her father in the poorhouse. Something else is going on here.

“Fine.” I rise. “You think you’re not safe. None of us is as safe here as I’d hoped. Get someone out here. Someone qualified to see to any medical needs that may arise. In fact, get an ER doc. I don’t want a medic or a nurse. Get it done, or this is done.”




I close my eyes as Sebastian moves the fabric of my panties out of the way and parts my pussy lips with his warm fingers. Never thought I’d be fingered while sitting on a toilet, but when he slides one into me, I don’t care.

It’s not his cock, which would have me coming already, but his fingers have an ability that his cock doesn’t. He moves one—and then two—around inside me, finding a place that sets me reeling.

I reach next to me to grab the edge of the counter.

“You like that, sweetheart?” His voice is low and raspy, just like it is when he performs.

I imagine him on stage, finding me in the audience and singing solely to me. I don’t even know any of his songs. I’m a country-music girl. But he’s going to have me singing in a moment.

“Man, you’re responsive, little Tweety.” He grabs onto a spot inside me. “You like this? This is your G-spot, darlin’.”

I sigh in response. I’m way familiar with the G-spot. Ace Clitfinder helped me figure out exactly where I need to be touched in order to come quickly. A big dick that hits my clit as it slides into me is number one, but the G-spot with a finger along with some clit stimulation? That works too. Brett sure had me going that first night.

But I swear to the heavens, Sebastian might be more talented than Brett. At least he seems to know my body better.

My pussy tightens around Sebastian’s fingers, and I nearly scream as the spasms overtake me. I press my lips together to keep from yelling his name. How close are we to the kitchen? Will they hear me?

When he slides his tongue over my clit and nips it, I can’t hold back.

“Sebastian!” I yell, squeezing his head with my thighs. “Fuck, yes!”

He pulls back from my clit and kisses my thigh. “That’s it, Tweety. You enjoy it. This’ll take all the pain away.”

I’m flying as he bangs me with those talented hands and lips of his. I squeal again, this time saying some kind of gobbledygook. I have no idea what it was, only that it was loud, and only that⁠—

