Seducing the Cowboy – Circle B Ranch Read Online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82279 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 411(@200wpm)___ 329(@250wpm)___ 274(@300wpm)

Dad puts on some baby-making music that’s easy to dance to because Grandma threatened to fire him if she heard one more fast-paced song.

Payton stands and holds out his hand. “Would you like to dance?”

I look up at him, smirking. “Thought you’d never ask.”

I’m brought back to dancing with him at the wedding reception nearly a year ago, which really lit the fire for this whole ordeal. So much has changed, and I’m so damn grateful I double-fisted all that wine. If I hadn't practically thrown myself at him on that dance floor, who knows if we’d be where we are today?

“Ooh,” I say, placing my hand on my belly.

“Is she kickin’?” he asks.

“I think she’s excited,” I tell him, resting my free arm on his shoulder as he dances with me in front of the fireplace.

“It’s all those desserts and loud music,” he says, then leans forward and crashes his lips to mine.

“What can I say? Baby has a sweet tooth.”

I notice my cousins and brothers are dancing with their spouses too. I smile, realizing I finally have what they have—something I’ve wanted for so damn long.

“I love you,” he mouths.

Unable to contain my happiness, I smile wide. “I love you too. Thanks for being the most perfect baby daddy.” I place his palms on my belly so he can feel the little life we created.

His face lights up when he feels her using me as a kicking bag.

“Just a few more minutes and we’ll be going home so you can get some sleep,” Payton tells her.

Another kick.

He chuckles. “She has your attitude.”

“I can live with that. Considering she’ll be one of the youngest kids in the family, she’ll need to be tough.”

“You know what I can’t live without?” He leans in until he’s centimeters away from my mouth. “You.”

“I’d die before letting that happen,” I say, repeating similar words he once said to me.

My dad lowers the music and brings everyone’s attention to the giant digital clock on the mantel that’s been counting down all night. Grandma stands when there are only ten seconds left and starts the official countdown. Grandpa takes his time joining her, then hands over her noisemaker just as Dad plays “Auld Lang Syne.”

The music echoes throughout the room, along with loud cheers and laughter.

Payton leans in and slides his tongue in my mouth. The kiss is deepened, and we lose ourselves in each other for a moment. I feel eyes on us when we pull away, but I don’t care.

“Happy New Year’s, baby mama,” he tells me, laughing as I hold on to him like this moment might disappear.

“You too, BD. It’s gonna be our best one yet.”

“For the first time in my life, I truly believe that.”

Although my feet hurt, we make sure to stay and celebrate with everyone.

When I find Grandma, she wraps me in a hug, then does the same to Payton. “So earlier when we were chattin’, I was rudely interrupted by your father playin’ that terrible music, and I forgot to ask…when’s the weddin’? I know we discussed fall time before, so if that’s the case, that gives me a good nine months to plan.”

I laugh. “Grandma! Baby first.”

She gives me a knowing look, one I’ve seen many times over the years. “But I can clear my schedule for then?”


Payton interlocks his fingers with mine, and Mom rescues us before he can speak up.

“Sweetie, you should get home,” she says. “You look exhausted.”

“I know, I know,” I say, then look back at my grandma. “Guess it’s up to Payton. Okay, we’re takin’ off. Love you.”

“Love you too, sweetie.” She gives me a brief side hug, then pats Payton on the shoulder. “Buy that ring, Payton.”

He’s so used to her antics that he just responds with a smile.

When we walk outside, I suck in the fresh, cool air. I was starting to sweat because Grandma likes keeping it hot in there. Payton opens the truck door for me and helps me climb in. Once I’m settled, he reaches across and buckles me, then places his strong hand on my thigh.

“Don’t worry, I always planned on makin’ you my wife someday. Even when I wasn’t sure I believed in love anymore, there was always somethin’ about you.”


“My first day workin’ on the ranch, and you cut in front of me at the buffet line, I knew I was already enamored by you.”

“Oh really? Because I was thinking about what a nice ass you had.”

He chuckles, bringing our mouths close. “Glad it worked out the way it was always supposed to.”

I press my lips to his. “Only took us seven years.”

“And maybe in our eighth year, we’ll get married.”

“Don’t mess with me. I’m hormonal and tired.”

“A lethal combination,” he cracks.

I playfully smack his chest. “You’re hilarious,” I say dryly.

“I know.”

Rolling my eyes with a grin, I add, “Hopefully, our daughter gets my sense of humor.”

