Seducing the Cowboy – Circle B Ranch Read Online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82279 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 411(@200wpm)___ 329(@250wpm)___ 274(@300wpm)

“Not funny,” she snarls, then leans her head back on the seat and closes her eyes while taking deep breaths. “This is stressful, which I know is not good for the baby. But I knew I’d have to tell them eventually, so I might as well get it over with.”

“Maybe it won’t be as bad as you’re anticipating,” I tell her, hopeful for her sake I’m right.

She turns to me and forces a smile. “I just need like two minutes to compose my thoughts.”

“Take as much time as ya need.” I kill the engine, then cup her cheek. “Just because you’re the baby of the family doesn’t mean you’re a little kid, Kate. They’re going to be happy for you just like River was. They all know how much you’ve wanted this.”

“And if they’re not?”

“Well, then fuck ’em.”

Kaitlyn cracks a smile. “Dammit, you’re right. They better be happy for me.”

“That’s my girl,” I say, noticing she bites her bottom lip before grabbing the door handle. We get out of the truck and head toward the group standing around and chatting. Kaitlyn leads the way, and when her dad meets my eyes, I grow more nervous. I don’t want to disappoint her parents or any of the Bishops, especially after everything they’ve done to get the rescue up and running. I’ve tried so hard to earn their respect and approval over the years. The last thing I want is for them to kick me off the property or something. I don’t think either of us fully thought out the consequences, but even now, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Once we’re a few feet away, she looks at her brothers. “What are y’all doin’ here?”

Kane and Knox speak at the same time. Knox clears his throat and continues. “Dad asked me to drop off some paperwork. I just happened to have this dickhole with me.”

“And that’s why I’m the smart one,” Kane says, rolling his eyes.

“Why are you here?” Kiera asks Kaitlyn. “Thought you were taking a half day?”

“Yeah, well…” She slightly hesitates, then just blurts it out. “I’m pregnant.”

That’s not what we practiced, but I roll with it. Sometimes it’s better to just rip off the Band-Aid. Everyone’s eyes grow as wide as saucers, and they talk over each other until Kiera whistles. The high pitch rings off the metal barn, and they all grow quiet.

“Now.” She looks around, silently warning everyone. Kaitlyn looks like she’s on the verge of tears until her mother takes a step forward and wraps her in a hug, then kisses her head. “Congratulations, sweetheart.”

Jackson joins in, and it’s heartwarming to watch.

Knox and Kane give Kaitlyn their sentiments, then Knox turns toward me. “You knocked her up, didn’t ya?”

Kaitlyn immediately stands between us because he almost looks pissed and ready for a fight. “Stop it,” she demands. “Yes, Payton is the dad. We slept together one night, and I got pregnant.”

Jackson stares at me as if he’s contemplating whether to hug me or introduce his fist to my nose. Before he can decide, Kiera pulls me into a hug.

“I always loved the idea of you two together.”

“We’re going to co-parent…as friends,” I explain before Kaitlyn has to.

“Why?” Kane asks. “Why don’t y’all just make it official?”

“It will make things less messy and complicated,” Kaitlyn says.

The protests begin.

“This is what we want, so fuckin’ respect it,” she blurts out.

“Language,” Jackson warns her, but he’s smiling. “Come here.”

He swarms Kaitlyn in his arms, and I swear I hear his voice crack. “You’re gonna be an amazing mom.”

Then he turns to me. “I guess if there were anyone my daughter was having a baby with, I’d want it to be you.”

“Thank you, sir. We’re excited.” He shakes my hand, and I’m relieved he isn’t punching me in the face with it instead.

“I still think y’all should just go get hitched already,” Knox says.

“Or at least take her out on a proper date,” Kane adds.

Jesus fuck.

“Alright, boys, that’s enough. This is what Kaitlyn wants. She didn’t interject her opinions into your relationships and what you should be doin’.”

“Like hell she didn’t,” Knox argues. “But fine. Still think there should be a ring on that finger, but what do I know?”

“You don’t know shit,” Kaitlyn tells him. “Just mind your business and be happy for me.”

“Well, since we’re putting it all out there, I guess it’s a good time to tell y’all Hadleigh is pregnant again, too. We just found out and were gonna wait to tell everyone this weekend. So act surprised when she announces it.”

The hugs and handshakes commence again. Geez, this family populates like bunnies.

Kiera and Jackson look so damn happy to be having more grandkids, and it warms my heart to know that my baby will have amazing grandparents.

“Now all of our kids will be close in age.” Kaitlyn grins.

