Scorch – Smoke Series Read Online Abbi Glines

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Mafia, New Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 89
Estimated words: 83598 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 418(@200wpm)___ 334(@250wpm)___ 279(@300wpm)

Josephine scrunched up her nose. “Although the fact that he likes Eliana is a turn-off,” she said, then leaned in and whispered, “Did she go in and close the door while you were there?”

I shook my head.

“I had to work in there a few times, and when she goes in there and closes the door—which only his area has—it’s because she’s giving him head.”

My eyes flew open. “What?” I asked, horrified.

Josephine pressed her lips together and nodded. “She’s his favorite. He likes redheads, is what I’ve heard, and she gets all the best shifts and gets away with being mean to everyone she doesn’t like because he protects her.”

“Why is he so powerful here? Just the wealthiest member?” I asked, disliking him more now than ever.

“This is the Hughes Floor,” she said. “As in he bought and paid for it. All the rooms on this floor are his to control.”

My mouth dropped open. “He has that much money?” I asked.

She nodded. “Garrett Hughes is richer than God. He’s also dangerous, but I’m not going to say any more. That’s not something I’m willing to talk about and lose my life over.”

Dangerous? Apparently, he wasn’t that dangerous. He had a bodyguard drive him around. I was always attracted to the worst guys. At least, this time, I wouldn’t be making that mistake. Especially knowing he allowed Eliana to be nasty and cruel and protected her job when he sent me away for that one little thing. Yuck. Garrett Hughes was no longer starring in any more of my fantasies.

“Anyway, you’re here tonight. I’ll show you where everything is, and then we have to get back to the few we have in here already.”

I followed behind her and tried not to think about Garrett and Eliana, although it was hard not to. Eventually, I got busy enough with work that it was out of my head. Hopefully, it stayed there.

Silas walked into the room an hour before my shift was over and came directly to me. I had a tray of drinks in my hand. He took the tray from me.

“I need you to go to the Winchester Parlor. Garrett is here and is requesting you.”

Me? Oh, heck no. I wasn’t his new blow-job bitch.

“Why me? Why not Eliana?”

Silas gave me a pointed look. “We don’t ask Garrett questions. We do what he says. Did you learn nothing from him firing you? Now, go.”

I wanted to blurt out that I wasn’t going to whore myself out for this job, but there was that dangerous thing, and I didn’t want to get Josephine in trouble for telling me about the blow jobs. Reluctantly, I headed for the door. If Garrett thought I was going to go down on my knees in gratitude, I would just quit. The walk to the Winchester Parlor, I hyped myself up, telling myself that this was going to be okay. Maybe he just wanted to ask me about work, or maybe Eliana had lied about me and he was going to fire me again.

When I opened the heavy wooden door and went inside, my eyes met Leo’s. He grinned at me, then nodded his head back toward Garrett’s area with a knowing look. I made my way back to the right corner.

The sight of Garrett alone sent off warning bells, and I paused, staring at him.

He held a cigar between his teeth and took it out as his eyes met mine. “Fawn,” he said in that low, deep voice.

For a fleeting moment, I completely understood Eliana’s willingness to get on her knees, but I shoved that thought away. I needed to be slapped.

“Hello, Mr. Hughes. What can I get for you this evening?” I replied as formally and respectfully as I could muster.

A half grin played on his lips, and then he put the cigar back in his mouth while he studied me. I stood there, going over every scenario that could play out here and tried to prepare myself for how I would react to it.

Finally, he took the cigar from his lips. “I’d like a glass of my scotch.”

I nodded once. “Yes, sir,” I replied, then quickly escaped the lair.

Leo was watching me as I approached.

“He wants his scotch. I am hoping you know what that is,” I told him.

Leo slid it across the bar to me. It was already prepared. “I think I might just get my five hundred back, but even if I don’t, the look on Eliana’s face when he requested you will keep my heart warm and happy for years to come.”

I rolled my eyes and took the drink, placed it on a tray, then headed back to Garrett.

Eliana walked from one of the other nooks, and her eyes locked on me. The hateful gleam in them was more intense than usual. She took two strides until she was almost so close that she was touching me. “Don’t think for a second that this means anything,” she said under her breath. “He won’t choose you over me.”

