Scheming Heart (The Hearts of Sawyers Bend #3) Read Online Ivy Layne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Insta-Love, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Hearts of Sawyers Bend Series by Ivy Layne

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 105921 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

Finally, in all my confusion, a breath of sanity. I just wanted a taste. It didn't have to be a big deal.

Craning my neck, I stared at the column of Tenn's throat. So close. It took the smallest effort to close the distance and press my mouth to his warm skin. To lick. He tasted so good.

The hand on my lower back moved, sliding into my yoga pants to cup my ass. He squeezed, and liquid heat shot straight between my legs. Shifting up on one elbow, I found his lips with mine.

No going back now.

Our mouths fit as if he'd been made for me, his lips soft, my tongue stroking his. I let out a moan of relief, of need, and the kiss exploded. We were done waiting. Tenn wasn't holding back. Neither was I.

I wasn't sure if it was a battle or a race. He took my mouth with a ferocity I returned, sinking my fingers into his hair, holding him right where I wanted him, tilting my head to kiss him deeper, harder. We broke apart to pant for breath, staring at each other for a silent moment before I sat up, reached down, and grabbed the hem of my t-shirt.

Without a word, I stripped it off and tossed it from the bed. Tenn's eyes flared, his breath frozen for a heartbeat. He reached for me, going for my mouth again when I thought he'd be done with kissing now that my clothes were coming off.

I scrabbled at his chest, trying to find the bottom of his shirt. I wanted to feel his skin on mine, his chest hair brushing my hard nipples. I found it, yanking up. He broke our kiss long enough to tear the shirt over his head.

My entire body shuddered in pleasure at the scalding heat of him against my bare breasts. Nothing had ever felt this good. Skin. I needed more skin. Fumbling, drugged with lust, I rolled to my back, pushing my yoga pants off, kicking my feet to get free. The second I was naked, I turned back to Tenn to find him just as bare. He was beautiful. Not just his cock, thick and hard, begging for my touch. It was all of him. The hungry glint in his eyes. The set of his jaw. Determination and violent lust. And he waited. For me.

I reached, and he was in my arms, between my legs, the thick head of his cock at my pussy, moving against my wet heat. I was ready. I think I'd been ready before I woke, my body desperate for this. For him filling me.

I tipped my head back, staring blindly at the ceiling, speechless at the impossibly bright, sharp sparks of pleasure, so intense they burned. I couldn't stop moving. Rocking my hips up, taking him deeper, sliding under the wave of sensation at him filling me to the hilt.

So much of him and he fit me so perfectly. And then he started to move. One hand cupped my breast, his mouth found my neck, teeth biting as he slammed his cock into me. Hard. Fast. I met him at each thrust, legs wrapping his hips, a keening cry breaking from my lips. I came. And came. It went on forever, my body still pulsing around him after he'd collapsed half on top of me, panting for breath.

At least Tenn could breathe. My lungs had frozen mid-orgasm. Tenn rolled to his back, taking me with him, one arm holding me to his side. I settled in, my forehead pressed to his neck, fingers trailing down his chest.

For endless minutes, we clung to each other, panting, hearts pounding, brains completely scrambled.

I'd barely caught my breath when the wet heat on the inside of my thigh got my attention. On the same wavelength, Tenn said, "We didn't use anything. I meant to. I—I had a plan—"

"To drive me insane?" I demanded, rising up on my elbows to stare down into his eyes.

He grinned up at me, his smile incandescent even in the dark room. Shifting to one elbow, I raised a hand to trace a finger over the bottom curve of his lip. Dipping my head, I nipped at that curve, wanting a bite of his amusement.

"Not insane, exactly," he said when I pulled back. "Just crazy enough to jump me."

"Mission accomplished," I grumbled, not meaning it at all, and settled back onto his chest. "I'm on the pill. And I haven't slept with anyone since my last physical."

"Neither have I."

I lifted up again to get a look at his face. He was totally serious. "Really? When was your last physical?" I figured he'd say a few weeks ago.

"In October."

October? That was eight months ago. "That's a long time."

"When was your last physical?"

I didn't want to answer that question on the grounds that the answer made me look lame. "Three years," I admitted, ready to see a laugh in his eyes. Instead, the deep blue softened and he lifted a finger to bop my nose.

