Scheming Heart (The Hearts of Sawyers Bend #3) Read Online Ivy Layne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Insta-Love, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Hearts of Sawyers Bend Series by Ivy Layne

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 105921 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

We had rules about screens at home, but the day had been endless, and I didn't have it in me to fight over television. One day of extra screens wasn't going to rot August's brain. Shoulders sagging with fatigue, I leaned against the wall, unable to resist Nicky and August's pleading expressions. "It's fine with me if Mr. Tenn doesn't mind."

Without comment, Tenn picked up the remote and navigated to a channel showing all kids' shows. August bounced on the couch when one of his favorites was on. He and Nicky sank back in the cushions and zoned out, only rousing to murmur about the characters on the screen.

I took advantage of their distraction to get Tenn's attention. "I'd like my phone back."

"No." A wall had come down over Tenn's eyes. No humor lurked there. No flirtation.

I wanted to tease him out of his mood. I resisted. I was not here to flirt with Tenn Sawyer. And I needed my phone back. Thatcher was my priority, not worrying about a grown man who had his panties in a twist because I didn't trust him after he'd kidnapped me.

"At least let me see it."

His mouth pressed in a thin line, Tenn dug the phone out of his back pocket and woke up the screen, holding it up to show me. No missed calls. Damn. That was worse than Thatcher calling and not getting me. Why hadn't he called?

"Who are you working for, Scarlett?" Tenn's words were almost silent, far too low for the boys to hear over the TV.

Just as quietly, I murmured, "No one. I'm not working for anyone."

"I don't believe you," he said, that cloud of disappointment still heavy in his eyes, flattening his voice.

Meeting those eyes, ignoring the twinge in my gut at his expression, I shrugged a shoulder. "I'm not lying, Tenn. Not about this. I'm not working for anyone."

"Then why are you here?"

"Because you kidnapped me?"

"It's more than that." Tenn set his jaw in a mulish line.

"Yes," I admitted, tired of sparring with him. Just then, I was tired of everything, the stress of the past twenty-four hours suddenly too much. "It's more than that, but I can't tell you. You aren't the only one with problems."

Tenn's eyes stayed on my face until I had to fight the urge to squirm. Abruptly, he shoved my phone into his pocket and closed one hand around my wrist, tugging me closer. My sluggish brain had just enough time to remind me of all the reasons I should run from Tenn Sawyer before I found myself tucked into his side, his mouth at my ear, the warmth of his body easing the tension in mine.

Even as I relaxed into him, my better judgment told me to run in the other direction. Taking a deep breath, I ignored that little voice of warning in the back of my head. That always-suspicious part of me didn't trust Tenn as far as I could throw him. But then, it didn't trust anyone. The rest of me—most of me—was sure I was exactly where I wanted to be.

"Are you here to hurt my family, Scarlett?"

"No," I breathed without thinking. I didn't need to think. That was the truth. "This isn't about you. I don't really know what it's about."

Tenn drew his head back and I felt his eyes on me again, studying my face. "Are you running from someone? Are you and August in danger?"

I wasn't tall enough to reach his ear, so I settled for turning my face into his neck, telling myself it was for privacy from the kids and not because the woodsy scent of him was comforting. I murmured into his warm skin, "You mean other than Vanessa's murderer? I don't think so."

"You don't think so? But you don't know for sure?"

Tenn was getting a lot further like this than Griffen had over breakfast. I was too tired and felt too safe in his arms to guard my words.

Worry about Thatcher, frustration at not knowing what was going on, fear that I wouldn't find what Thatcher needed—it all pressed in on me, squeezing until I said, "I don't know anything. I'm not even sure exactly why I'm here, okay?"

My voice cracked on the last word, tears prickling my eyes. Pressing my face harder into Tenn's neck, I bit down on my lower lip, trying to force the tears away.

I could handle this. I could. Just like I'd handled everything else before this. I'd figure it out. Everything was going to be okay. I had to believe that was true. I didn't need Tennessee Sawyer or anyone else to solve my problems for me. I just needed dinner and a good night of sleep. That was all.

Tenn rubbed his hand over my back, soothing. If I hadn't been so exhausted, I would have pushed him away. His chin resting on the top of my head, he let out a long sigh. "My family has been through enough, Scarlett. If I find out you're lying about hurting them, I can promise you'll regret it."

