Savage Union (Brutal Universe #2) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Brutal Universe Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

I started to get off the bed but Jessina stopped me with a hand on my arm. Her grip was surprisingly strong, considering her current condition.

“Wait—don’t leave me!” Her voice sounded panicky. “Need…need you to help me. Please, Turk! You’re the only one who can help.”

“Help you what?” I asked, but I already knew. There was only one way to help her now—only one way to ease her pain and suffering. It wasn’t something I should be doing—in fact, it was fucking forbidden. But there was no help for it—this was literally the only way to save her.

“Please!” she repeated and thrust her breasts up some more. “Please, Turk—they hurt.”

Her soft, pain-filled cry seemed to break something inside me. This was my little bird and she was in pain! A pain only I could ease.

Leaning over, I took one of her tight nipples into my mouth and began to suck.

The nectar—if that’s what it was—had a light, slightly sweet flavor and it reminded me somehow of flowers. Mostly of the honeysuckle—a plant that had survived from Old Earth. When you pinched the stem and pulled the stamen out, it produced a droplet of liquid sweetness—that was the flavor of Jessina’s nectar.

It wasn’t bad—in fact, I liked it. Though I was more interested in easing her pain than I was in the actual taste. I sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed, until her right breast was no longer as swollen as it had been. As I did, I bathed her tender nipple with my healing venom—my fangs were automatically producing it in response to her pain.

“Oh, Turk!” Jessina moaned and I realized—with some guilt—that she was getting more than just a lessening of her pain. My mouth on her breast was giving her sexual pleasure, too. Which, of course, ought to be strictly out of bounds, since she was Slade’s little sister.

But I couldn’t bring myself to stop sucking her nipples—not even when Jessina ran her soft fingers through my hair and caressed the curves of my horns. I had to ease her torment—even if that meant giving illicit pleasure. I couldn’t stand the sounds she made when she was in pain.

I sucked the other nipple, swallowing more of the honeysuckle nectar in the process, as Jessina continued to caress my hair and horns in a way that sent shivers of pure lust down my spine. I tried to ignore how I was feeling—the pleasure I got from holding her breasts in my hands and sucking on her ripe nipples. But as her moans of pain turned into soft cries of pleasure, that got harder and harder to do.

“There!” I growled at last, letting her left nipple slip from my lips. I had drained both breasts and no more of the nectar was flowing.

“Oh, Turk…” She looked at me, her big amber eyes filled with gratitude. “Thank you. I…I feel so much better now. Only…”

“Only what?” I asked guardedly. What else could she ask me to do?

But after a moment of nibbling her lip, Jessina shook her head.

“Never mind, I’m much better now—really I am.”

“Well…if you’re sure…” I started to get up off the bed, where I had been sitting as I leaned over her to suck her nipples. But again, she reached for me.

“Please—don’t leave me!” she begged. “I think…think being away from you makes it worse. Please, Turk—sleep with me tonight.”

I sighed and ran a hand over my horns. On one hand, I really shouldn’t—what I had done was already forbidden enough. But on the other hand, I didn’t want her to get sick again. Sucking the nectar out of her breasts seemed to have helped a lot—even her feverish skin felt cooler. And what if she got sick again in the middle of the night and I wasn’t there to help her?

You mean what if you’re not here to suck her nipples, whispered an accusing little voice in the back of my head. But it was right—if I wasn’t here to suck them if her breasts filled again, who knew what might happen to her?

“All right,” I said reluctantly. “But let’s get you cleaned up and changed first—you’re all sticky.”

“I know. I’m sorry,” she murmured. “I couldn’t help it…they just kept leaking.”

“I know, little bird. It’s all right—I’ll get you all clean,” I promised her.

Then I slipped my arms under her and lifted her. There was too much of the honeysuckle nectar everywhere—I needed to get her into a shower and then change the sheets on the bed.

Of course that meant seeing her naked, but I told myself I’d already done that, back when she was pretending to be “Cass.” Of course then she’d had a Synth field around her that made her look male. This time I’d be seeing the real Jessina—with everything on display.

I pushed the lecherous thoughts out of my head. I wasn’t here to fucking perv on her—I just needed to get her cleaned up and comfortable so she could rest.

