Savage Union (Brutal Universe #2) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Brutal Universe Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

“I got…got so thirsty,” I said softly. “I’m really sorry—I know I promised not to do it again…”

“It’s all right.” To my surprise, he didn’t seem mad at all. In fact, he reached down and adjusted himself so that more of his shaft was sticking out of the slit in his sleep trousers. Then he turned on his back, giving me better access.

“Turk?” I asked, looking up at him uncertainly. What was he doing?

“It’s all right—you can suck me if you need to, little one,” he murmured. Reaching down, he stroked my hair gently. “But I want to watch you do it. Lights low,” he said, speaking to the room at large.

The glows in the corners of the room, which had been set at the sleep setting so they barely gave off any light at all, suddenly bloomed to golden life. Looking up, I could see Turk studying me with half-lidded eyes.

“Go on,” he rumbled, stroking my hair again. “Suck me, little one. And take your time.”

I felt a shower of sparks rush through me as the Need set me on fire. In the shower earlier everything had been rushed—almost desperate because I wanted him so badly. But now there was time to go slow—to savor the sweet and salty and slightly bitter flavor of his cum and the feeling of his thick shaft gliding across my tongue. I could have him in my mouth as long as I wanted to.

I don’t know how long I took sucking him that second time—it felt like a hour. And all the time, Turk stroked my hair and looked at me with those burning bronze eyes, lazy with lust.

“Gods, you’re so good at that,” he murmured, stroking my cheek. “Look at you sucking my cock so well—taking it so nice and deep. Your hot little mouth feels so good on my shaft!”

I found that I loved the warm praise spoken in his soft, deep voice. It made my pussy even wetter when he told me how good I was at sucking him and how much he enjoyed my mouth. I never wanted to stop.

But though it lasted as long as I could make it, Turk did eventually come.

“Gonna shoot, little one,” he murmured, giving me warning. “If you don’t want a mouthful of my cum, pull off now.”

In answer, I took him even deeper, feeling the broad head pressing against the back of my throat. There was no way I was pulling off!

“Goddess! Yes, you have such a hot little mouth!” he groaned. And then spurt after spurt of delicious cream was running down my throat, coming almost faster than I could swallow.

Turk groaned again and gave me more praise which made my pussy ache with need. I swallowed every last drop and then sucked him for the last little bit.

“Enough, Cass,” he murmured. “Goddess, you really drained me that time!”

I laid my head on his flat abdomen and looked up at him.

“Are you mad at me? I know I shouldn’t have done it again. I just needed your seed,” I said, trying to excuse myself.

Turk cupped my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb.

“It’s your Catamite blood—you can’t help yourself, can you, little one?”

I liked his new nickname for me—it reminded me of when he’d called me “little bird” back home.

Shyly, I shook my head.

“I…I guess not. But I can try not to⁠—”

“No,” he interrupted me. “No, from now on, I’ll give you what you need. But only when we’re alone together at night,” he added sternly.

“Oh, of course,” I agreed eagerly. “Thank you, Captain.”

“Thank you,” he rumbled. “I’ve never felt a mouth as soft as yours. And I’ve never been with anyone so eager to taste my seed.”

I could feel myself blushing again.

“I…I can’t help it. I just get so thirsty…”

“It’s all right—don’t be embarrassed,” he told me. “Just take what you need, when you need it.”

I nibbled my lower lip.

“You mean…whenever I get, er, thirsty, I can just…”

“Help yourself like you did just now?” He raised an eyebrow at me and rumbled laughter when I nodded. “Yeah, you can do that. Help yourself,” he told me.

“Thank you.” I wished I could crawl into his arms and hug him and be held by him. I wanted to feel his big body pressed against mine with nothing between us.

But then I reminded myself that I didn’t have my compression tank on—he would feel my breasts if I rubbed against him. So I contented myself by kissing his shaft as I looked up at him.

His bronze eyes went soft as he looked back at me.

“Gods, little one—what am I going to do with you?”

“Just let me navigate the ship,” I said honestly. “And…” I felt my cheeks get hot. “And let me suck you.”

“As often as you want to,” he assured me.

I bit my lip.

