Savage Union (Brutal Universe #2) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Brutal Universe Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

“Captain?” he asked in a soft voice. “I don’t know…don’t understand…”

“You’ll see. Sit there.” I pointed at the chair behind my desk.

His eyes went even wider.

“In…in your chair?”

“Yes, I said impatiently. I wanted him well out of the action. “In my chair. Go on—sit.”

Without another word, he obeyed. My white shirt seemed to swallow his slight frame and his amber eyes were wide and worried.

He didn’t need to be afraid, of course—it was Jerx and Gurflug who were going to be on trial. I opened my mouth to tell him so, but just then there was a knock on the Ready Room door.

“Come,” I said and Jerx came in, followed by Gurflug who already looked upset and offended.

“Captain, I really must protest this summons!” he began in his thick, burbling voice. “I was just getting settled in my bunk for the night. I need my sleep if I’m going to navigate properly!”

“Yes, I’m sure,” I said dryly. “Did you tell Jerx that Cass here is a Catamite I hired to service the crew?”

“I…you…” His bulging purple eyes blinked rapidly and his rubbery lips opened and closed several times. I knew at once by his reaction that he had done it—his scent proclaimed it as well as his expressions. Clearly he was trying to think of a lie that would keep his hide safe from my pain whip.

“Just answer the question,” I said, frowning at him. “Did you tell Jerx and the rest of the crew that Cass was a Catamite?”

“He did! Jerx said. “He said it and the whole crew heard it!”

“I never did!” Gurflug exclaimed, clearly deciding that denial was his safest route. “Though I did hear Jerx call the pup a Catamite several times,” he added.

“Fucking liar!” Jerx snarled, rounding on him. “You said you were the only navigator and that the Captain hired that fucking little brat as a Catamite!”

It sounded plausible enough. I turned to Cass and raised my eyebrows.

“Cass? Is this true?”

The boy nibbled his lower lip, his eyes going even wider.

“Don’t worry,” I told him. “Just tell me the truth.”

At last he spoke up.

“It’s true,” he said in a low voice. “Jerx started calling me ‘Catamite’ right away but then in the mess hall, Gurflug said that he was the only navigator and I was hired for…to serve the crew. Sexually.” He swallowed hard and I could hear the click in his throat.

I could see what it cost him to say those words—the pain and humiliation. Not to mention the personal danger Gurflug’s lie had put him in.

I turned to the big Galafruxian.

“So you told the whole crew that your fellow navigator was here to fuck them.”

“I never…” Gurflug began to protest.

I turned to Jerx.

“And then you decided to rape Cass, based on Gurflug’s words.”

“Yeah, but Captain, look at it this way—I was doin’ the boy a favor!” Jerx protested.

I felt my eyebrows lifting almost to my hairline.

“What did you say?” I demanded. “Since when is raping someone doing them a fucking favor?”

“You know Catamites!” Jerx protested. “They got certain needs. Like they need to suck cock—they need to get fucked. It’s part of their DNA. I was just helping him out, that’s all.”

I glared at him.

“Crewman, that is the lamest excuse for rape I’ve ever heard in my life. Remove your shirt and step up to the whipping cross.”

Jerx shot me a hate-filled glance and I thought at first he might challenge my authority. I bared my fangs at him, letting them grow long and sharp. Only the high-born Brutes of Clan Savage have fangs and I was certain Jerx knew how deadly they could be. I can either kill or heal with a bite and I certainly wasn’t planning on fucking healing him.

With a final snarl, Jerx yanked off his shirt and went to the X-shaped whipping cross. Reaching up, he grabbed the two long grips protruding from the top ends of the X. He gripped one in each hand, which stretched his bare back out like a canvas for the whip, and braced himself.

“Twenty lashes,” I told him. “And that’s a light sentence. I’ll give you a hundred more if I ever catch you trying anything like what I saw tonight again aboard my ship!”

I uncoiled the whip and shook it out, listening to the faint sizzling, crackling sound it made as it came to life. Most of the pain from this whip was caused by nerve conduction—every blow was magnified times ten. So while it didn’t usually leave marks, getting whipped by it was absolute agony.

I’ve said before that I take no pleasure in whipping any of the men under me—but I did take pleasure in this whipping. Every time I drew back my arm and let the sizzling lash fly, I remembered the sight of Jerx trying to hurt the boy—I saw that slight, delicate frame trembling under his hairy bulk—and I fucking reveled in punishing him for it.

