Savage Union (Brutal Universe #2) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Brutal Universe Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

There was no way to know. Gurflug had just left the bridge a moment ago looking like a thundercloud. He had shot me an angry, hateful look from his bulging purple eyes as he went. I’d pretended not to notice, but now I wondered if he had been complaining about me to Turk. And if so, had Turk believed him?

Carefully, I placed the silver band on the navigator’s console and stood. Turk was waiting for me with an impassive look on his face, but I thought his bronze eyes looked angry.

I followed him into his ready room, noting the desk and chair first. But then my eyes were drawn to the whipping cross and the coiled pain whip in the corner. Goddess—did he really use those things on the crew?

If he didn’t, why would he have them here? whispered a practical little voice in my head. I tried to hold back a shiver and failed. Goddess, was he angry with me? He must be—it must be because I’d gotten sick all over Jerx, I thought.

“Captain, I know you must be upset,” I said quickly, as the door slid shut, leaving us alone in the room together.

“Oh?” Turk raised an eyebrow at me. “And why is that?”

“Well, I mean, I’m sure you heard that I was, er, sick yesterday at dinner,” I said. “But it wasn’t intentional, really it wasn’t!”

“Of course not.” Some of the anger in his eyes seemed to soften. “Nobody pukes on purpose, boy. I understand from Snuffy you have worm hole sickness.”

“I might,” I said cautiously. “I don’t know—I’ve only ever done simulated runs before,” I admitted.

“Which would have been something to mention during your interview yesterday—before we lifted off and left our home galaxy,” Turk said sternly.

“Yes, Sir,” I whispered, looking down at my shiny black boots. “I’m sorry. I just really need this job.”

“To get away from your family, right?” he asked and when I glanced up, I saw that he was scrutinizing me again.

“Yes, Sir,” I answered again. “But I can understand you being angry at me,” I went on. “I mean, a navigator who gets sick after worm hole jumps isn’t much use, is she? I mean he,” I added quickly, hoping he wouldn’t catch my mistake.

Turk frowned.

“As it happens, you’re not the only one who’s ever had worm hole sickness. We had a crew member last run who had it as well. Which is why I have this.”

He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a small glass bottle with a pink eye-dropper top.

“You’ll take two drops under your tongue before every jump,” he said. “In fact, take some now—I know we’re about to reach our next worm hole. Come here.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Obediently, I came to his side. He unscrewed the bottle and I took a cautious sniff. To my relief, the scent was minty and sweet.

“Open your mouth,” Turk told me.

I did and he measured out two careful drops under my tongue. I was delighted to find the taste was refreshing and light.

“Oh—it tastes good!” I exclaimed, after I had swallowed.

Turk smiled at my reaction as he screwed back on the cap.

“What? Were you afraid it might taste like the greasstain from last night?”

I bit my lip.

“That did have a very, uh, strong flavor,” I said.

“Which is exactly why I skip dinner whenever Cookie makes it,” Turk rumbled. “Don’t worry—he’s not allowed to do it more than once a mission. So you’re safe from it for the rest of this one.”

“Oh, uh, that’s good to know.” I nodded.

“So aside from puking all over Jerx—who probably deserved it—how are you settling in, navvie?” he asked me. “Are you getting the hang of life aboard a ship? I’m only asking because you don’t look so good today,” he added, giving me a frown.

Words rushed to my mouth—I wanted to tell him everything! How the other crew members had decided I was a Catamite, the fact that Jerx had nearly assaulted me, how I’d been forced to sleep on the floor to avoid being either squashed or gassed by Gurflug.

I opened my mouth to tell it all…and then a little voice whispered in my head,

If you start complaining, he’ll never respect you. He’ll think you’re weak—maybe too weak to stay aboard The Illyrian. Nobody likes a whiner and besides, you’re supposed to be acting like a man, not a scared little girl. Suck it up, Jessina!

I closed my mouth again and shook my head.

“I’m sorry if I look bad, Captain. I just…didn’t get much sleep last night,” I told him.

Turk gave me a searching look, but at last he nodded.

“Well, being up all night with worm hole sickness will do that to a man. Hopefully that medicine will help you.” He held up the bottle and then put it back in his desk drawer.

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir,” I said, nodding humbly.

