Savage Union (Brutal Universe #2) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Brutal Universe Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

I don’t know if you’d call me pretty—I wouldn’t. My features are delicate but still too strong to be cute. Still, I have a straight nose and full lips so I’m not ugly—I’m just not “feminine enough” at least to hear my stepmother tell it.

Speaking of Lyrah, she was mad enough to spit. Her poison green eyes were flashing as she glared at me in the mirror. Her hair—currently dyed green and purple—was piled up in a fashionable up-do on top of her head and her designer top and skirt combo, which was pink with lime green stripes, clung to her huge fake breasts and enormous bubble-butt.

“You can pout all you want, young lady,” she said to me. “But you’re going to marry Grr. Malofice and you’re going to do it with a smile on your face. Your father has given me free reign to choose your husband and I’ve made an excellent choice.”

“An excellent choice? He’s old enough to be my GrandSire!” I exploded, glaring back at her. “There’s no way I’m Binding myself to him!”

Lyrah made a sound like hrrumph.

“You need an older male with a steady hand to keep you in line, my dear,” she sniffed. “Besides, Grr. Malofice is one of the richest merchants on all of Rigelis Nine! Why, he practically owns the garment district. He can get you discounts on all the latest fashions!”

“You mean he can get you discounts on the latest fashions!” I exclaimed. I could see what was happening here—my stepmother was basically trading me away to a horny old man in order to assure herself of a lifetime of free or discounted clothes. Her whole criteria in choosing a husband for me was all about what she could get out of it.

“There is a possibility that Grr. Malofice might be willing to give me a few discounts as well,” she acknowledged coolly. “But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s excellent husband material. Didn’t you hear me before? He’s extremely rich!”

“You think I care about his money?” I demanded. “I don’t want his nasty hands crawling all over me just so you can get the latest fashions at a discount!”

Lyrah stamped her foot, which made no sound at all in the thick, luxurious Bernah fur carpeting.

“You selfish, stubborn girl!” she snarled at me. “You can whine and cry all you want but you will marry the male I picked for you! Your father has agreed to this match and the date of your Binding Ceremony has been set.”

“You’re joking with me!” I shook my head. “Daddy wouldn’t do that to me! He wouldn’t make me marry an old man.”

“Oh, no?” A cruel smile twisted her painted lips. “Then why don’t we ask him?”

She pulled out her mobile holo-projector and punched in a number. A moment later, a 3-D hologram of my father, about a foot high, was hovering over her palm.

“Yes, Lyrah my love, what is it?” he asked, looking distracted. My Father has the gilded horns of a Chieftain—the only males besides Head Enforcers that are allowed to paint their horns gold—and eyes the same dark gold as my brother, Slade’s.

“Zirex, my darling, Jessina and I are here at Chez L’ronge having lunch with my good friend, Grr. Malofice. You remember him don’t you?”

“Oh yes—the rich merchant.” My father nodded distractedly. “Well, why did you call?”

“Well, it seems that your daughter doesn’t like the idea of getting Bound to Grr. Malofice,” Lyrah said sweetly. “She doesn’t understand that it’s in her best interest to get married before she’s too old to attract a husband.”

“I’d rather die single than marry a man old enough to be my GrandSire!” I exclaimed. “Daddy, he’s older than you are!” I added, appealing to the holo image of my father.

“Now, Jessina, your mother and I talked about this,” he said sternly. “We agreed that it would be best for you to be Bound to an older male—one with a stern hand who could keep you in check.”

“Why do I need to be kept in check?” I demanded. “Why do I need to marry at all?”

My father glowered at me.

“You’re a princess of Clan Cruel—of course you must get married. You’re lucky I’m not using your marriage as an alliance to another Clan—I’m being kind in allowing you to get out of our lifestyle.”

“You think forcing me to marry an old male I don’t love or even know is being kind?” I demanded. “Lyrah only chose him because he’s promised to get her a discount on the latest fashions!”

“That’s not true! I had only your best interest at heart when I chose Grr. Malofice for you,” Lyrah snapped. “And since the contract is already signed, it’s too late to back out now.”

“What?” I couldn’t believe my ears. “Daddy, please say it’s not true!” I begged my father. “Please tell me you didn’t sign me to a Binding Contract without even asking me if I wanted to be Bound to this male or not!”

